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Me and Annabeth stood at the doors of death. We finally made it. We were actually gonna escape this horrid place. We stood behind the doors, about to cut the chains. But then came Tarterus himself.
"Puny half-bloods, you think you can hide from me?" His voice rang through my head. I could feel the death mist melting away.
I looked up into his face, it what would of been his face. It was just a vortex. It seemed to suck in all of my confidence and hope.
Riptide fell from my hands. I could faintly hear Annabeth calling my name.
"Oh, the mighty hero. Not even gonna put up a fight? And to think, I thought the great Percy Jackson Stark was supposed to be the one to save the world."
He reached down and picked me up. His giant hands breaking a free ribs in the process. He throws me down against some rocks that were behind the door. I could feel more bones breaking.
"Now let's have a bit of fun." Tarterus said in a scary voice.
He waved he hand and I was chained to the rocks. He bent down a picked up a stray sword. He strolled up to Annabeth.
In one swift movement, he stabbed her in the gut. I let out a scream so loud my friends on the surface could probably hear it.
"You like that little hero?" He strolled over to me. He took a dagger and cut a long deep gash down my face. "She was lucky, hers ended quickly. The same won't be said for you." He sliced the other side of my face.
Suddenly he fell backwards. Small Bob had jumped up and bit Tarterus in the shoulder.
"Percy" I heard someone say my name. I watched as Bob and Small Bob (who was not so small now) fought off Tarterus.
My chains fell off. I could not stand. I felt like the weight of the world was lying on top of me, and trust me I knew what that felt like.
The world started to blur. I heard someone scream my name again. It felt like someone had grabbed my shoulders. There was no one around me. I didn't care, I gave into the darkness, hopefully I would get to see my wise girl when I woke up.

When I opened my eyes I was confused. I couldn't remember where I was. I glanced around the the room I was in. Standing next to my bed was a man.
"You okay?"
I didn't say anything, memories of my dream started coming back. My breath quickened.
"Annabeth, Tarterus, killed her."
Dad sat down next to me.
"Perce, slow down, I can't understand you."
I looked up at him, tears in my eyes, "Tarterus, he-he killed Annabeth. He stabbed her. He tried to kill me too. He was about to but Small Bob distracted him. He was gonna torture me." Tears streamed down my face, I looked up at my father, hopeing beyond hope, that Annabeth was about to walk through the door. Call me seaweed brain, and tell me to stop worrying, that she can hold her own. I would tell her I know, but it is my job to worry.
"Percy, Tarterus did not kill Annabeth." I shighed in relief. She was safe. "But she died on the war,  she died protecting you."
I looked up at him, "No" more memories rushed back to me. "No" I screamed.
My wise girl is dead because of me. Dad said nothing, he just pulled me into a hug. He held me close. I gripped his shirt, and soaked his shoulder.

After a what felt like hours, but was most likely be mere minutes, I pulled away.
"Thank you"
Dad nodded. "Come on, let's go get some food." I nodded and followed.

I know that was short. It was just kinda a filler chapter. As always I do not own PJO, HOO, or Marvel.

Tonight is the kickoff of KY Derby Festival. As a Louivillian, I am super excited! Loved the fireworks! They were crazy amazing, like always.
The next two weeks are super busy for me. I have two concerts, and a feild trip. I have to learn about seven different pices of music, and have a ton of other stuff I also have to do. I'll update when I can.
I hope you guys like this story, just remembered, I am only in middle school, so if I have any mistakes I apologized. Enjoy!
Just wanted to tell y'all that this will not be a fanfic were Percy is tortured in his sleep. This was just a figment of Percy's mind in this chapter.

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