Not Perfect but Okay

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A/N this takes place a week after the last chapter. I still own nothing.

Percy Stark

I walked into the kitchen. I just had eight hours of peaceful sleep. It has been three days since I last had a nightmare or flashback.
"Morning guys," I said to the team as I entered the kitchen.
"Hey Perce, how did you sleep?" Nat asked.
"Great, still no nightmares."
They all smiled, glad to know I was not suffering as much now.

"Hey do you guys minded if Nico comes over later?" I asked a little later.
"Course not, Nico is always welcome." Steve told me.

I left the kitchen after I was done eating. I headed towards my room to call Nico.
"Dad!" I jumped in surprise as I ran into him going around the corner.
"Sorry Percy."
His hair was a mess, and he had dark bags under his eyes.
"Have you been up all night again?" I asked, concern clear in my voice.
He shrugged.
"Dad, I know you are busy, but you need sleep."
He looked at me, "Says the kid, who days ago, would get less than an hour of sleep."
I looked down. " You know that was different."
"Yeah well you have your reasons, I have mine."
"Dad, I have gotten 4 full night's of sleep, that is more than you got in a week!"
"It's because I'm worried about you! I see you have the nightmares and flashbacks. I think I should be able to help. I want to do more! I fell so helpless when it happens. I hate seeing you like that."
"Right now, all you need to do to help me is be there for me. Everything is getting better."
"I'm glad, but can you look me in the eyes and tell me anything is gonna be like it was before. Can you tell me that one wrong word won't send you into a flashback. Can you tell me, in sertenty, that things will be the same?"
I didn't say anything.
"I'm trying to find a way, so you won't have to deal with any of this, no more flashbacks, or nightmares. I'm trying to help fix things."
He was about to walk away, when I let out a small sob. "Thanks Dad, but things will never be the same. No amount of technology and Stark smarts will ever fix this. You wanna know why?" I was screaming. "Because she is gone! Annabeth, the love of my life. The one person who had been through everything I have, with me. She is gone. So yeah, I will have flashbacks. I will have nightmares. If you want to help me, then just be there for me. I don't want you to try and fix me with machanics. I want you to be there for me. I want to just be able to talk to you."
Dad nodded, "I'm sorry,-"
I cut him off with a hug, "Its okay, I've gotten used to you being an idiot."

"Hey Nico, wanna come over?" I asked  through IM.
"Yeah what's up?"
"I just want to talk face to face."

A moment later he appeared out of a shadow.
"Hey." I said casually.
"What's up, are they getting worse?" My cousin asked.
"Nah, they got really bad, but then they stopped. I haven't had one in three days."
Nico punched my shoulder. "Man that's awesome! I guess this was just one of the time it had to get worse before it got better!"
"Yeah, I guess your right"

We walked out if my room, and toward the living room. I was not perfect, by any means, but I was okay.

And I'm finished. I know this was short. I hope you guys liked it. I will be posting a new book soon. I do not know what the title will be, but it will be Percy as a SHEILD agent. It will be up soon!

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