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Yoongi finally got into the shower so I can write all of this down. He wakes up VERY late. No wonder he's always late for school. Anyways, Yoongi promised to stay with me most of the day. But he can't afterschool. I'm scared of going out alone now. But on the bright side, Yoongi did a lot for me. He wrote a fake doctor's note (his mom is a nurse) for PE, he gave me his sunglasses for my black eye, and he let me wear his clothes. I am so glad he would do all these things for me. I heard Yoongi turn off the water so I'll go now goodbye!

-Jimin <3

Jimin quickly got up and changed into clothes Yoongi handed to him earlier. They suprisingly fit well. Not bad. Yoongi got out of the bathroom, all changed and he smelled like vanilla. It was a strangley addicting smell. Jimin stared at Yoongi for a while. Yoongi wore tight light jeans, a simple white shirt and a blue jacket.

Yoongi cleared his throat "Uh... Jimin? You ready to go?" Jimin nodded quickly, tearing his gaze away from the older. Jimin was so, so, so glad he was wearing sunglasses. Yoongi didn't notice he was staring too. Yoongi and Jimin grabbed their backpacks and headed out the door, climbing into the car. Yoongi quickly drove to school, having the most random and short conversations on the way.

Jimin got out of the car and got some stares from some people. Luckily the bell rang, saving Jimin from looking like he was going to explode. Yoongi faced Jimin quickly and sternly told him, "If anyone asks you why you're wearing sunglasses indoors, tell them light has been hurting your eyes recently. I'll be waiting right outside your door when you get out of your class to escort you, if anyone tries to hurt you or make fun of you and I mean ANYONE. Tell me. I will kick their asses. And most importantly, be careful please." Jimin nodded and thanked him while walking to class.


Of course there were people making hurtful remarks towards Jimin. But that would be too many people to name to Yoongi. Yoongi would be right outside the door each time they switched classes. Jimin couldn't spend any time with his friends on his first break. He just had a lot in his mind and didn't feel well. Jimin took a little nap in the library on his break with Yoongi watching over.

Jungkook noticed that something was off about the boy but couldn't put his finger on what exactly was wrong. Jimin kept sleeping in class or just put his head down quietly. Seeing Yoongi and Jimin together all the time is an odd sight since the two barely even talked before. But Jungkook isn't that stupid. He knew Jimin wasn't feeling well physically and mentally from experience.

Lunch came and all 7 biys sat together at their usual table. Hoseok clapped happily "FINALLY! All seven of us! Now we can do that cult thing I was dis-" Taehyung punched Hoseok in the arm, rolling his eyes at the older. Hoseok hissed and rubbed his shoulders, shooting Taehyung a look. Jungkook cackled looking at the two of them start bickering. He threw his head back and in the corner of his eyes he saw Yoongi trying to feed Jimin food. It was weird because one, Yoongi isn't that nice. Two, Jimin always eats and this was the first time Jungkook saw Jimin refuse food. He looked at the others but they all seem to just cheer on Hoseok and Taehyung's bickering. 

From Jungkook's angle he saw purple under the sunglasses. He tried to look closer but his new girlfriend tackled him with a hug from behind. "Jungkook-ah~ I missed you and I was trying to look for you!" She clinged behind Jungkook, arms around his shoulders, pouting.

Jimin, now hugging Taehyung, glared at her through the glasses and looked away a little while later once she tries to kiss Jungkook. Jungkook on the other hand was trying every way possible to send her away or just get her to leave him alone.


Today's schedule was switched around Jimin. He had PE last period and they were watching a movie in the dark gym so students would relax during testing schedules. Jungkook sat with Jimin all the way in the back. They were laughing and giggling in the back, completely ignoring the movie.

The two were messing around and trying to make each other laugh. "Jimin you said you couldn't see the light because of your eyes but the lights are turned off here so take off your glasses" Jimin let out a forced laugh. "I'm too lazy to put it back on so I'm fine with it on-"

Jungkook lurched forward and snatches Jimin's sunglasses off. Even though it was dark, Jungkook saw Jimin's face clearly. His eye was badly swollen and he had a red mark near his other eye. Jimin quickly grabbed his sunglasses, nervously putting them on and turning to the screen. Jungkook furrowed his eyebrows "Jimin, what happene-"

"I don't want to talk about it" Jimin quickly cut him off.

After PE, Jimin and Jungkook walked side to side towards the front gate, ready to get out of school. Jimin was wary from what happened yesterday and Yoongi had to serve 2 hours of detention.

Snapping out of his thoughts, Jimin felt Jungkook tug on his wrist. Jimin turned around and stared at Jungkook blankly. "Who hit you?" Jimin just shrugged. "Jimin, I'm serious who. Hit. You?" Jimin was about to cry, thinking about the switchblade that was pulled out.

Jimin answered in a small voice "K-Keith and h-his friends..." Jungkook felt his blood boil. He hated Keith. Keith always tried to pick a fight with Jungkook no matter what. And the fact Keith hurt his friend made Jungkook feel angry in a way he hasn't felt in a long time.

"I'm walking you home" Jungkook, still holding onto Jimin's wrist, kept walking foward. Jimin didn't question it and just walked with him.

The two walked side by side, half way to Jimin's house. They kept laughing at each other's lame jokes. Jimin's smile dropped when he saw Keith and his two friends walking his way. Jimin was ready to bolt the other direction but Jungkook held the hood of Jimin's jacket. "Don't run. I'm here with you. And plus, their IQ is lower than a plunger" Jungkook gave Jimin a smile which comforted him and he stood with Jungkook.

Keith went up to Jimin and lightly pushed him. Jungkook saw Jimin shy away his confidence. Jungkook harshly pushed Keith, making Keith stumble back. Keith gave Jungkook a glare and Jungkook returning one back. "Jungkook, you really standing up for this freak?" Jungkook cocked his head to the side "Freak? Are you talking about yourself?" Keith's face became red as he stomped away.

Jungkook didn't realize Jimin was behind him until he felt a two on his shoulder. Jungkook turned back and his face a often as Jimin whispered a thank you. They both walked to Jimin's house. Jungkook left Jimin in his lonely house while Jungkook started walking home.

Jimin laid on his bed, face stuffed on his pillow. He shrieked into it and threw a small fit. He could not like Jeon Jungkook. It's illegal. Very very, very illegal in his own mind.

Jungkook walked and thought about what he did. He never did stuff like that. Sure, he would protect friends but he never retorted back at rude comments. This was weird.


Hello, due to state testing, it will be really hard for me to update on a lot I'm sorry 😔. Please be patient cause testing sUCKS

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