Ephraim (Sacred Stones)

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The morning sun had barely began its daily rise on the sky, when for the seventh dawn in a row, a young looking magician, (f/n) as was her given name, clumsily stumbled out of the large tent that she shared with no other than Ephraim, the prince of Renais himself, simply in order to, yet again, throw out the contents of her stomach behind some bush or tree that stood upon the border of the military encampment.

Walking slowly, with a hazy gaze and fluttery steps, the crown prince followed his beloved for the seventh dawn in a row, each sickly morning pushing his concern for her well-being deeper and deeper. No matter how many times he asked, she simply refused to attend to his worried plea, even so he still had to try and so he begged for the seventh day in a row:

"(F/n), are you certain you do not wish for Natasha or Moulder to examine you? You have been like this for a week now, and show no hint to be recuperating."

Wiping the filth off her face with a small handkerchief, she straightened herself up, gently leaned her back on the closest tree for support, and tiredly gazed up at her concerned lover who, now finally awake, had moved closer to her.

"It might be for the best, yes..." Sighed the (h/c), finally acceding to the prince's pleas.

"Good!" Declared Ephraim, feeling clearly satisfied. "But we ought to return you to bed first, people should begin to awaken soon and they will want you lying down if you are to be examined."

"I am fine, Ephraim, I can go back to the tent by myself!" Huffed the magician, puffing her cheeks while refusing to let go of her pride.

"Oh?" Mouthed the nobleman, bluntly crossing his arms and daring her: "Why do you not show me just how well you can do so, then?"

"I will!" Growled the young woman, taking a deep breath as she pushed herself away from the tree's support, however, just as she moved to take a step forward, her wobbly legs failed her and sent her crashing down.

Fortunately, a pair of strong arms interrupted the sudden fall, keeping the (h/c)'s body from fully meeting the rocky and grassy ground. Hugged against the prince's strong chest that was covered by nothing but a simple silky shirt, she flushed a little as her (e/c) gaze stared into his gentle blue one.

"What were you saying about being able to go back by yourself?" Mocked Ephraim in a gentle tone.

"Nothing at all, Your Majesty..." Grumbled (f/n), feeling her entire being lifted with ease by his trained arms.

Back inside the royal tent, the (h/c) found herself tightly snuggled into the bedding's covers somewhat by force. By the entrance stood Ephraim, now with his entire armour put on, gazing at her; before he left in search of a healer, he had paused to warn:

"I beg of you, please, stay there as I fetch Moulder or Natasha to see you. Do not leave the bedding, much less the tent!"

"Yes, yes, I know..." she muttered under the heavy cover of the bedding. "Now off you go!"

Surely it must have been his unlucky day; no matter how many familiar faces he stumbled over, none of the two healers was anywhere to be found.

After what was nearly an hour into his more-complicated-than-it-should-be search, he was about to abandon his quest when he came across the sight of both healers exiting the tent where all meals were served. Glad that his search had come to an end, Ephraim approached the duo and said:

"Moulder, Natasha, (f/n) is in dire need of assistance!"

"What seems to be the matter, my prince?" Wondered the older man, as he and Natasha began following the noble across the encampment.

"She has been vomiting every morning for an entire week now." Informed Ephraim, never slowing down his pace. "She kept insisting it was nothing; however she shows no signs of improvement whatsoever.

Reaching the large tent, the two healers exchanged a knowing look as if they were already aware of which ailment inflicted the magician.

"Please go and eat something, prince Ephraim, and bring some food for (f/n) if you don't mind." Pleaded Natasha, always with her loving and gentle voice. "We will be sure to take care of her!"

Exhaling a defeated and exasperated sigh, the crown prince of Renais obliged to the blonde woman's request and so left towards the large tent that was currently being used as the mess hall.

~~In Ephraim's and (f/n)'s quarters~~

"Good morning, (f/n)!" Greeted Natasha upon entering the tent, quickly followed by Moulder.

"Oh, he got you both..." Muttered the (h/c), lightly gritting her teeth in her unnerved state. "Great!"

"If I may pry, (f/n), have you eloped with the prince recently before your ailment began?"

Flushed at the intimate charisma of Moulder's question, the magician found herself further hidden under the bedding's warm cover. Nevertheless, she answered:

"Yes, about a week prior to the start of it."

"And you have been afflicted by these morning sicknesses..." Began the man.

"For a week now, seven days exactly." Finished (f/n)

"Very well, we will now do a few tests. Natasha will you assist me?" Spoke Moulder.

"Of course!" Cheered the blonde healer.


As he thoughtfully returned to his own quarters, a loud yell of 'excuse me' urged him to start running instead of leisurely walking.

"What happened?" The commanding voice boomed in everyone's ears as the entrance of the tent was suddenly flung open to reveal an unnerved Ephraim.

"I believe it is time for our leave." Declared Moulder, slightly bowing to the monarch before abandoning the space.

Before leaving, Natasha wished with a smile:

"Good luck, (f/n)! Prince Ephraim!" And so she left.

For a moment, the couple stared at each other in complete silence.

"What is your illness then?" Wondered the crown prince, crossing his arms as he finally broke the icy atmosphere.

"You see, it isn't exactly an ailment, it is more like a condition?" Stuttered the (h/c), thinking about how exactly she should approach the subject.

"Condition? So, you mean to say you are temporarily limited?" At this the prince sighed in relief. "Did they tell you for how long?"

"Yes, about nine months." Answered the magician with a nod of her head, before realizing that she had already spoken far too much.

"Nine months..." Mused Ephraim, clearly deep in thought, until his thoughtful expression suddenly shifted into one of surprise and shock. "Wait, nine months? Are you with child?"

"Yes, and at the worst possible time too..."

"We should send you to Frelia, a battlefield is no place for an expectant woman to be, and King Hayden would treat you well until we go back! I will go speak with Tana and Innes, I also have to find someone to take you safely." With his mind suddenly pulled into a rush of worry and possibilities, the prince had to be forcefully brought back.

"Ephraim!" She called for the fifth time, finally managing to capture his attention. "We are in the middle of a war, you can't simply go dispensing soldiers simply for this, not to mention that Grado could attack Frelia at any moment now, so if there is a safe place, it's here with everyone."

After several minutes of discussion, the crown prince finally, yet reluctantly, accepted her stay with the army.

"Very well, but if you are to stay then I will assign you escorts to ensure your safety!"

"Fine, fine, who?"

"The valiant knights of Renais, of course!"

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