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*justin is the one in bold *

Hey sexy 😏
What a great start 😂but hey handsome
Wanna play  21 questions so we  can get to know each other
Okay 👌 let me start    What is your middle name?
Drew  do you have any siblings?
Yes an older brother his name is Alex . Do you have any siblings?
I have one step brother his name is jaxon and a step sister her name is Jazmyn. My next question is would you like to meet me?
I would love to actually  we can meet next week  if that's ok with you
What day next week?Next question is where do you live?
Is Monday ok ?and I live in Beverly Hills   I'm getting bored from this 21 question game 😐
Monday at 2pm I live in Beverly Hills too aaand I'm bored too
2pm is great see you on Monday  but there is one question left that is where are we going to meet ?
We can meet at *****  (A/n:I have no place in my head bc I'm writing this at 2Am soo😂)
Ok see you

Author's note

I hope you guys like this chapter they are going to  meet soon ...I'm planing on writing another story but it is not an insta fanfic I don't know when I should publish it 😩


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