7.Will you go out with me?

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Justin Bieber's POV
Me and jessica are at my house watching some movies and suddenly I feel a head on my shoulder I looked down to see Jessica sleeping peacefully I look at Jessica's pretty face I smiled and carried her up and took her to the guest bedroom bc you know she doesn't want to wake up and find me sleeping with her I mean I have no problem but she does I mean maybe she does😏....
After I put Jess in bed I went to bed i couldn't sleep bc I was thinking of how I can ask Jessica out the reason I want to take her out is that I kind of have feelings for her but the things is that maybe she doesn't have those feelings which makes me nervous about asking her out and telling her I like her ....... "omg" i said in a low voice bc I didn't want jess to wake .I found the best idea to ask Jessica out the idea is drum roll please 🥁🥁I will wake up b4 she wakes up and make her breakfast 🍳 and when she finishes it there will be a sticky note saying "will you go out with me?" -Justin
I hope it goes well ,anyways Justin you gotta sleep now you have to wake up before Jessica........
**in the morning **
Still Justin's POV
I got up and it is 6:30 am ok that's great , now what should I make for breakfast??
Let me do eggs with bacon 🥓 aaaand what else ?i think this is good enough bc I don't know if I can make more .... ok first I put the paper on the back of the plate, I hope she sees it and then I made the eggs and the bacon I put the food on the table and waited till she wakes up .

Jessica's POV
I woke in a bed that is not mine and then I remembered that me and Justin were watching movies together and I slept and he got to this bed oh my god I hope I didn't snore bc if I did it'll be embarrassing.
Anyways I got up and fixed my hair, I got downstairs and I smell an amazing smell I wonder if Justin made breakfast if so I'm ready to eat😂 I got to the kitchen and saw Justin on his phone "good morning " I said Justin looked at me and smiled and replied "good morning Jessica " I smiled and said "did you make all of this " " yes" he replied we both sat down and started eating and talking about a bunch of stuff and I said "thank you Justin for the breakfast" he replied "no problem" he smiled we both finished and took our plates to the sink but b4 I put my plate I felt something on the back of the plate I looked at it and it was a sticky note saying will you go out with me?-Justin...........
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A/N :
Cliffhanger hahaha 😈
What do you think she is going to answer?
I hope you liked this chapter if you didn't already go check my second book it only has the cast and some things for you to know about the characters soo ❤️❤️❤️

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