17. Real Friends

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Jessica's POV
When I found out that Justin cheated on me I cried and cried then I argued with him and kicked him out of the house and if you're wondering who's house is this well this is a house that we shared. If he cheated on me a day other than our two year anniversary I would have argued with him but not kick him out of the house.

I called Kendall so she gives me some company and comfort because I feel like she is the only person that understands me. I heard the doorbell then I went and welcomed Kendall in.

We sat down and brought snacks and just talked then I told her about the Hailey Justin thing and she was so angry because she couldn't believe what Hailey did because Hailey was such a good friend.

" I made a song about Hailey do you want to hear it?" I said. " yeah ofc I want to be the first to hear it omg I feel so special" Kendall said and I chuckled at how she was trying to make me feel better.

A/n : ^^ that is the link for the song

No I think I'll stay in tonight

Skip the conversations and the
"Oh I'm fine" s

No I'm no stranger to surprise

This paper town has let me down
Too many times

Why do I even try?

Give me a reason why

I thought that I could trust you
Never mind .

Why all the switching sides?

Where do I draw the line?

I guess I'm too naive to read the signs.

" wow this song is amazing Jess you should release it" Kendall said I smiled and said "really should I?" " ofc" and then I released it and it seem like a lot of people liked it.

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