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Yeah, they're bad I know. BUT, I drew them a long time ago (2 years) so I have a free pass.

Lol, why am I posting this.

Lol, why am I posting this

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This was my first ever Daganronpa drawing. 

He was the first character that I was obsessed with.

 I'm sorry to dismantle him like this (made 2 years ago)

 I'm sorry to dismantle him like this (made 2 years ago)

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You can tell I didn't try to hard on this. It was the second drawing I did.

 Ishi was my second favorite.

 I stopped before I could kill Mondo's face too. XD

I made this one more recently (one year ago) I think it was November or October

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I made this one more recently (one year ago) I think it was November or October.

Kaito reminded me so much of Hagakure(my daganronpa 1 bae)So instead of drawing Hagakure I drew him.



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I drew Maki right after. I not very fond of MakixKaito. But, I'm totally for the BROTP with Shuichi, Maki, and Shuichi. 

I drew this before the special event with Kaito in he 4th chapter and just realized that I kind of predicted Maki's face, lol.

I drew this before the special event with Kaito in he 4th chapter and just realized that I kind of predicted Maki's face, lol

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Woah, it's Sushi-san My little brother always calls him Sushi and now I'm saying it, lol

I drew him a day after I drew Kaito and Maki. His stripes were fun to do. I loved drawing him. 

I used the dropper tool to get Shuichi's skin color from a photo and turns out his skin is pure white! Celeste's skin is pure white too!

They're both vampires. I had to dim their skin to something more darker.

It's been a while since I drew Daganronpa on a drawing tablet, (I've been drawing on paper) If you want to see them then whyyy noooott. I'll probably start drawing Daganronpa again. 

Enjoy this Recent picture I drew of Sushi-san!

Enjoy this Recent picture I drew of Sushi-san!

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Yeah, I didn't draw all of it, lol

-See ya!


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