Chapter four

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 Clare Edwards

bang, bang, bang

Who the hell would be banging on the door at 4 o'clock in the damn morning? I angrily toss the covers off and doing my best to tip toe around Harry's large body laying just inches from my bed. The only light in the room was from the dim light in the our kitchenette.

I glance over at Harry who is sleeping very peacefully. He had one arm resting on top of his forehead and the other over his chest, the blankets where tangled around his legs. 

The banging gets louder, I rush to the door and open it. Only allowing my head to pop out. The bright lights catches me by surprise but I only open one eye. I look at the stranger standing in front of me. Her blonde hair is curled perfectly and pulled back into a pony tail. Her hideous straight bangs almost makes me want to barf. Shes wearing a red dress that stopped at the knees, her face held a scowl .

"Who the hell are you and why are you here? don't you know people actually like to sleep?" I bark growing more anger by the second. She protectively crossed her arms over her chest. 

"Where is Harry? I know he's here." she demands,

"Seriously? that's why your here?" I say louder, she looks surprised at my sudden increase in volume.

I look back at Harry who is still sleeping soundly then turn around and look back at her and slam the door in her face.

Feeling satisfied I walk back to my bed and pull the covers over me. Seconds after I slammed the door she started banging again, this time louder. 

I hear Harry groan and untangles himself from the blankets and get up. He turn on the light welcoming a sting in my eyes from the brightness. 

Harry opens the door "Jessica? What are you doing here?" he sounded confused.

"Harry! Who was that girl that answered the door? Hmm?" she half yelled half whispered at him. 

Harry head snapped back to look at me, a scowl plastered on his face. I bring up my hands and shrug my shoulders letting my hair fall and frame my face.

He bites his lip and shakes his head and turns back around to try to fix the damage I caused. 

Harry tried calming her down but she storms into my dorm room and angrily points at me "AND SHE SLAMMED THE DOOR IN MY FACE!" she screamed waking up my room mate.

"You seriously came here looking for Harry! How pathetic are you? You know he's just going to play you!" with that I was on my feet lunging toward her, 

"If you had any type of brain in that pretty little head of yours you would have known better then to come here looking for him? If you want to tame a player you have to play the game better! You obviously aren't that bright." I hiss at her as I came inches from her. 

"You woke me up so please excuse me if I'm a bitch, but I have every right to be." I say sarcastically and crossing my arms over my chest.

Jessica's face turned red and just before she was about to say something Harry physically picked her up and carried her out of the room.

"I'm kinda glad I woke up for that." Gabby commented, a smile plastered on her face.

"I'm hung over and she woke me up. Those are two really bad combinations." I shrug again and walk back over to my bed and lay down.

"Harry didn't even defeat her." Gabby added from her bed,

"Not my problem." I spit out, Gabby nodded her head and laid back down on her bed.

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