Chapter 2

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-K Y R O N. P O V-

i woke up, and immediantly checked my phone, it was only 8am ffs why am i awake :/. then i looked down and saw bellas arms around my waist, awr shes too cute when shes sleeping you know😁. woulda been the perfect time to take a slip but who can be bothered for her lecture?. NOT ME . i decided to go back to sleep because i didnt have to go out until later.


-B E L L A. P O V-


how df is it 10'am pls?! this dick'ed didnt wake me up, KNOWING i had work an hour and a half ago.-_- when i get fired and i can't bring no money in he's taking full responsibility. i looked down at myself and realised i was snuggled up to a cute sleeping kyron, god hes so lucky i didnt wake him up in the worse way possible ._. ,i carefully removed my arms from his grip and took the quickest shower in history, quickly tied my hair back in a messy bun , put on my high waisted jeans with one of kyrons hoodies n my UGGS .

i went to the busstop, i couldnt risk being more late by walking and im a slow walker soo..

"hello?" , i looked up to see some SEXY looking latino boy, he looked around 18 which was good because im 17.

wait thats not good, ive got kyron =/

"yes?" i tried to speak as coldly as i could, but i was melting and he could tell

"jheez, cant a nigga be nice nowadays?"

"sorry lol, but seriously did you want something"

"only a number mami;)" he leant his arm in and cupped my head, wow his tattoos <3.<3 it was a roaring lion on his arm, and a sleeve made up of bare shit. not even guna lie he was smooth, but i couldnt.

" um. i-i-i h-h-have a b-" why couldnt i speak, id only just met him yet he had this spell over me ?! "i have a boyfriend, sorry..." i gestured for him to give his name but he just kissed his teeth and walked away.

luckily a couple minutes later my bus came, i was on the bus for about 15 minutes before i reached work. and when i did i was deeply parred by my boss :( one ugly old crusty woman kmt, her breathe was kickin footballs in 'ere. but i really needed the job so i begged not to fire me all the same

"MAYBE THIS BOYFRIEND ISNT GOOD FOR YOU!!" erm, scuse me .what did she just say?

"argh stuff your fucking job, dumb sht. just because you could never have what me and my boyfriend have. i quit" it felt so good to do that, but i didn't know what i was gonna tell kyron :o, guess i'd have to say it was his fault; but i hate lying to him ahhhh.

my trail of thought was inturrupted by my EX-boss ;]

"look, bella. you're a really good employee and i apologise for questioning your relationship, i had no right. it's just you've been coming in late alot and you always have the same reason. there's no problems at home are there?" she genuinly looked like she cared , but i didn't dare confide in her, yeah at home wasn't perfect. but it wasn't anything Bella Stevenson couldn't handle hehe.

"no, it's fine"

"would you like your job back, Bella?" , i nodded and smiled. i guess taking it back would be the easy thing to do and logical. i got to work straight away, i worked in a trainer shop and it was MAUD busy today, like usual:( , only good thing about working here was the discount.

-K Y R O N. P O V-

i woke up, rolled over and all i felt was cold bed .which meant bella had been gone a long time :/ probably at that job of hers. OOH YEAHH 😂😂😂

i remembered how i forgot to wake her up this morning, loool all i could do was laugh when i imagined how much she musta been stressing. but she doesn't need the job anyway, i make good money working at the trap house . i know what you're thinking, but nope it's not like that. you could say i run it, i don't do any of the dirty work. i stopped doing that when i met bellaaaa lol

i got up and had a NIIICCCCEEEEE long bath, normally i would've phoned bella but then i remembered she lost her phone last week . another thing i need to take care of -_- . she's so lucky she has me REALTALKS. when i got out the bath and went to get dressed i couldn't find my hoodie :/ , erm who the fuck does bella think she is about she's tryna jack my hoodie!! my favourite one aswell >:o

this is one of the times where she needs a phone, so i can cuss her rass .kmt this girl gets me so fucking vexed. then MY phone rang.

if she ain't fucking she got to go, tell 'em don't waste my time[88']

me: yo.

???: i'm waiting, about yo

me: yhyh, i just got out the bath but bella took what i wanted to wear init

???: whatever, just get here

me: kl.


- B E L L A S. P O V-

finally, lunch break. i was so happy we could go home for lunch . i quickly caught the bus back (no drama at the bus stop, yessss) , when i got in i called for kyron but he wasn't in.. weird but fuck him mans hungry n i couldn't be asked to question him today.

i made myself a quick ham and cheese toastie then left to go back to work, this time i decided to walk back tho


the road took me direcetly to where i worked, but it was SOOOO long and SOOOO narrow. *yawn*

i saw a massive group of black hoodies approaching me, i didn't want to stereotype so i acted like i'd never seen them. and then they started to run towards me, god knows why. but i started to run aswell. i knew adventually they'd catch me but i didn't think so soon; it was like as soon as i moved my legs they was all carrying me into some van . then BANGGGGGGG.

i called for kyron, like an idiot :/ "he can't save you here, bella" was all i thought to myself.

"yeah, this is defenitely her" i heard a deep voice say.

where was i, and why was this happening to me? what did they want ?

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