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jadethirlwall: hey, Dani.

jadethirlwall: what did you want to tell me?

jadethirlwall: sorry if I didn't reply earlier. Perrie has her first fashion show in few days and I'm helping her😌

daniellepeazer: JEED 😍

daniellepeazer: it's okay

daniellepeazer: wow that's cool. she must be so nervous 🙊

jadethirlwall: yes but she's great so everything's gonna be alright🙌🏻

daniellepezer: of course!

daniellpeazer: I dmed to invite you to come over tomorrow night

jadethirlwall: uhmm idk

daniellepeazer: It's my mum's birthday. She was the one who practically begged me to invite you lol

jadethirlwall: oh

jadethirlwall: well, I'll go then

daniellepeazer: Thank you, my jeed 💕

jadethirlwall: but I'm not sure if Pez would be okay with that

daniellepeazer: why?

jadethirlwall: idk ... she says I spend a lot of tim with you

daniellepeazer: bullshit

daniellepeazer: Jeed, I don't have bad intentions. I just wanna be friends with you. Just that.

jadethirlwall: hey, dani, i know

jadethirlwall: it's just that i dont want to fight with her anymore

daniellepeazer: ok

jadethirlwall: wait, I'm gonna ask her

daniellepeazer: fine




jadethirlwall: princess

perrieedwars: hello cutie pie😍

jadethirlwall: 🙈

jadethirlwall: what you doin?

perriedwards: trying different make-up styles for tomorrow

perriedwards: trying different make-up styles for tomorrow

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jadethirlwall: God😍

jadethirlwall: You're stunning 💕

perrieedwards: haha thanks ❤️

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