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perrieedwards: babe, where are you?

perrieedwards: it's been a week already

perrieedwards: I don't know what's going on but come back home, please

perrieedwards: come back to me, squirrel

perrieedwards: I miss you 😞




perrieedwards: Jesy, it's been a week since we last heard about her :(

jesynelson: I know, pez.

jesynleson: honestly, this is so weird. how come no one knows where she went?

perrieedwards: I don't know.

perrieedwards: her parents are very worried

perrieedwards: so am I

jesynelson: hey, she'll appear! I'm sure of that. Maybe she left because she needed time to think...

perrieedwards: i don't know

jesynelson: 😐




leighannepinnock i haven't slept for days. i cant stop thinking about Jade 😭

laurenjauregui: me too😞

camila_cabello: we have been searching all over London and she's no where to be found omg

niallhoran: this is strange, guys

leighannepinnock: yes :(

liampayne: I hope my bubbs is okay :(

laurenjauregui: stop.

laurenjauregui: she'll back with us soon.

leighannepinnock: yes 🙏🏻







liampayne: no.

liampayne: I thought I had blocked you 🤔

liampayne: bye.

daniellepeazer: WAIT LIAM IT'S JADE

liampayne: no way

daniellepeazer: Look i dont have much time, she went out and forgot her cellphone that's why i got the chance to text u.

daniellepeazer: li, pelase help me

daniellepeazer: she fucking kidnapped me. i know this is insane and kinda unreal but fuck she's been hiding me in a fucking deserted house in Manchester. you need to help me now

liampayne: OMG JADE

liampayne: Are you okay? Did she hurt you? i swear i'll kill her 🤬🤬

daniellepeazer: no, she didn't touch me. Yet.

daniellepeazer: i wanna go home, Li. Danielle... she's not mentally stable and i'm hella scared

liampayne: oh god. okay.

liampayne: do you rembember the address or something?

liampayne: I'm gonna go there now.

daniellepeazer: i'll share my location through imessage

liampayne: yes. but delete both convos so she doesn't suspect.

daniellepeazer: yes.

daniellepeazer: please, li, come quickly.

liampayne: don't worry, bubbs, I'll be there soon.



This is the last chapter.

No more drama for Jerrie.

I'll update before the weekend if this gets more that 100 votes (I know it can gets that amount though)

Thanks for reading xx

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