vi. Felicity

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Arnav and Khushi parted from the hug and continued to look into each other's eyes.

It had just been so long since Khushi had felt this close to him, not just physically.

"You know, Khushi... I don't think I can apologise enough for not valuing our friendship. As a kid, I was immature and so focused on my future that the citylights excited me. I'm sorry if you felt ignored. There's nobody in this who could replace
you. " Arnav spoke in his soft but deep voice.

Khushi smiled and lightly punched Arnav on his arm and said, "Enough with the sappy talk, Raizada."

"That's more like my Khushi. My snarky Khushi with a sensitive heart."
He smiled.

"Before I forget, Mr. Boss, how am I working at your company? I thought I was working at AR!" Khushi interrogated. Firstly, because this question had been bothering her and secondly, because she couldn't stop blushing about "my Khushi" and she needed to shift the topic.

"I don't think you did your research well, Ms. Lucknow. But being the sweetheart that I am, I'll tell you. AR is the name of the company, on paper. My father started it as a media company but got busy with the Design firm that Aakash manages now."

Khushi's curious gaze stayed on him.

"But I wanted to make the company that was a liability, my own asset. So I turned into a production company for web shorts and decided to name it... Felicity."

Khushi wondered at the emphasis on the word Felicity because it just seemed like a pretty word. But he had said it like it held a lot of meeting. Her expression turned into a confused one.

"Khushi? Felicity...?"

"Yea, what about it?"

"Felicity is another word for happiness which is English for... "

And then it hit her, "Khushi."

She said her name for the first time with bewilderment.

Arnav had named his first sole endeavour after her. It was like, she had been with him all along. In her head, she almost felt like she could brag at the office that the company ran on her name.

Stop being petty.

Khushi didn't know what to say, this was such a huge gesture and he was looking at her so earnestly and with so much love... she didn't realise that she had slowly started leaning for a kiss.

Arnav saw her and followed and jut as they were getting closer, with his arms pulling her body closer...


Damn it, Aman.

Another almost kiss. This was just building up for an epic kiss in her head.

"I'm coming, Aman. And just so you know, unlike you, I didn't get seriously involved with anyone because I never felt that way about a girl. Take notes, Khushi."

Arnav joked and quickly walked away as she opened her mouth wide to respond angrily to his comment.

With Arnav already away, Khushi just let it go with a smile.


The rest of the party was a blur. Dancing with Arnav, making jokes, hitting the bar because Khushi just couldn't resist, meeting investors etc etc Khushi just really wanted to hit the bed.

With Arnav.

Khushi quickly slipped that thought away because it was too soon to hit the bed.

"I'll see you tomorrow morning, then?" Arnav asked her.

"Yea, if you get the time, Busyman." Khushi snorted.

"I always got time for my gal." Arnav said with a wink.

Khushi looked at him with wide eyes. Man, this guy just kept spinning her feeling around. Khushi's hand was at the door handle but she didn't move. She was just looking at him, astound.

"You want help with that? I mean... I don't mind but my driver here has to get home." Arnav laughed.

It seemed to her that the alcohol had started doing its thing because Arnav was just being playful for no reason. Khushi reminded herself not to fall for it because he was going to be his stern bossy self the next day. Right now, she just had to save herself from the embarrassment.

"I'm heading out, ass." Khushi opened the door and started getting out when,

"Goodnight, my dear Khushi." Arnav gave her a goofy smile.

Yeah, the alcohol was taking a whirl. Honestly, they had had too much. Well, Arnav had. Khushi slipped him a couple of extra drinks... okay, so about 5 ... or 7, but it was just too amusing to her. She had told Arnav to go wild when all those times, she was having a virgin drink and was slipping him all the alcohol. She'd had a few drinks but not too much to act intoxicated. Arnav, on the other hand, she had had him get wasted. It was honestly surprising that he wasn't puking all over the place, but just being a little tipsy.

"Goodnight, my dear Arnav." Khushi replied with a chuckle.

She shut the door and turned her back to the car as she started walking towards her house. Her mood couldn't be better, she felt content.

"Oh and by the way, I'm going to change after going home. So a little less staring, maybe?"

Khushi immediately stopped in her tracks. It seemed like Arnav had pulled down the window and screamed that out to her because it seemed funny to him.

She heard his laugh in the background and as she was going to turn, his car was already halfway in his parking lot.

Khushi just laughed it off and headed to her house.

Well, this was going to be interesting.

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