Chapter 19

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Alexander's POV

We left at dawn and are now driving to the airport to pick up Laf and Herc. John was reading while listening to music. I was just mostly thinking... Eliza sent me a message early this morning. She asked me on a date to the café near the college. So most people that we meet, or our friends, think John and I are in a relationship. We've never confirmed that though... so.. I said yes. Angelica said I should give Eliza a chance so I am. But for some reason, I still feel guilty.. I don't know why. I just... for once I really don't know.

"Alexander? Are you okay? You seem off." John asked me, looking away from his magazine. I flinch and shake my head.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just thinking. What are you reading?" I asked, trying to change the subject. I glance at John, his face turned a bit red. He slumped down in his seat. I raise an eyebrow at him.

"U-umm... just a magazine my sister got for me.." He says nervously. I chuckle at him.


"Sh-shut up!" He yells back. I laugh at him.

Is this Love? Or just good friendship? What even is the feeling of love anymore? I haven't felt it in a long time. (I'm crying while writing this rn so if any typos are made pls forgive me and if it's angsty and bad I apologize...)

John's POV

  Okay, so maybe my sister didn't get me this magazine. Maybe I stole it from my sisters mail. Maybe I'm looking through a teen magazine and enjoying. And maybe, just maybe, I might be looking at Dance classes..

I said Maybe! No guarantee!

  I've always danced and tumbled with my sister when we were younger, but these classes are really advanced. He would just make stuff up.. I can't get rid of my love for dancing and doing flips though.

And I have tried.

I basically went on strike for dancing. And my sister started playing a song and I instantly started to dance along to it. I'm really embarrassed about it... I think I can trust Alexander with this information though, right? He's my best.. friend...

Now is that the appropriate word..?

I really don't know at this point. I mean, we kiss, he cuddle, we act like a couple.

But are we?

Alexander has seemed off lately..

Like he has been missing something or someone...

Whenever I try to get close to him. He just pushes me away. It hurts a lot... I want to talk to him about it but I really don't have the confidence to say anything. I'm worried of messing up.

"We're here. I'll text Laf and say where we are." Alexander tells me, getting out his phone. I nod and continue reading all the ads and dance studio names in the magazine. Alexander peaks over my shoulder. I close the magazine and glare at him.

"Let me seeeeeeee!" He whined like a 3 year old. I giggled at him.

"You are literally a 3 year old. Actually 2 and a half at most"

He gasped dramatically.

"Excuse me, I'm 2 and 3/4 ( Tadepole5  ayye)"

I burst out laughing and he joined after a bit. I look ahead and see Laf and Herc looming around. I quickly jump up and unbuckle my seat belt. I get out of the car quickly.

"Lafayette! Hercules!" I yell after them. They turn and see me. They both smile and run up to me. They catch me in a huge hug making me laugh. Alexander comes out of the car and joins in.

"How was France you guys?" I ask with a bright smile, looking up at the two.

"It was great mon ami! How was down South?"

"It was great!" Alexander responds and I nod.

I observed the two. I went to go grab their bags but noticed something that made me stop in my tracks.

There was a ring...
On Laf's finger.

"Umm... Lafayette?"
I grab his hand and pull it up.

"Care to explain?" He blushes and chuckles nervously. Alex sees this and his eyes go wide. Herc walks over to Lafayette and puts and arm around them.

"Relax, it's a promise ring dorks." Herc had a slight blush, and he rolled his eyes. Alex and I sigh in relief. We pack the rest of the bags and head to the Schuyler's house. They were throwing a party before school started up again.

Basically just a lot of drunk teens and loud music.

-Time skip-

So I got assigned as the sober friend, along with Maria Reynolds. Who ditched that idea and is probably upstairs having sex with Peggy. So far it's been pretty normal. Some people are still sober but drinking, some people are drunk af.

Correction; most people are drunk af.

Including Jefferson, Burr, Theodosia, Laf, Herc, Angelica, and many many more. I sigh and take a sip of my non alcoholic drink.

This sucks.

Now one thing that sucks about being the sober friend, is that you see and remember everything.




Like when Jefferson stood on the table and did a stage dive with no one there to catch him. Or Angelica giving people lap dances. And the Maria and Peggy thing.

At least I have some blackmail now.

Herc and Laf are choking on each other's tongues, Burr and Theodosia and flirting heavily, Jefferson is saying he wants his mom, Angelica is crying for some reason. She's screaming about how someone drank the last of the orange vodka.

Well my whole world turned upside down when I saw this specific couple..

I look towards the kitchen area

I finally see Alexander.

For the first time since the party.

He hasn't had an ounce of alcohol.

My heart dropped to my shoes for a moment when I saw him...

Then I wished I didn't remember anything and I was drunk...

But now it's glued in my mind.

Alexander was making out hard with Elizabeth Schuyler.

My world just turned upside down...

So while writing this a lot of tears happened. So if it's crappy, please be free to blame me and yell at me. I deserve it for not posting because of personal things. When is my writing NOT crappy to be honest? A lot of stuff has been happening in real life and I don't know how to deal with it so... and I haven't been sleeping like, at all. Ugh.

No one shall love this piece of trash
That's alright doh.
I'm numb to it now.
Peace! 💔💎

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