Seme Tech loving Male reader x Uke Levi AOT

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Requested by: Bdbluck on wattpad

Sorry this is more of a short lime that a lemon, but I thought it was better like this. Plus I didn't have many good ideas.

"What do you want shitty glasses?" The short commander glared at the woman who bounced in place with the usual crazed grin on her face. "Wipe that smug fucking grin off your face."

"Aw come on Levi, you haven't even heard my question." Her glasses glinted in the light making her look like a mad scientist.

"I don't care about some dumb ass question." He huffed giving her a fierce glare that was rumored to stop titans. Sadly she was not affected.

"I think you might want to hear my question. After all, it involves our local mechanic~" Later he would deny it, but Levi perked up slightly at the mention of M/n L/n. It was a 'well kept' secret that he harbored something akin to fondness for the other, but Hanji had a uncanny talent for knowing the other's feelings.

"Fine. What is it?"

"He wants you to help with testing a new model of the 3d maneuver gear, and he asked for you personalty."

"That doesn't sound like him." It didn't to be fair. M/n was a lot like Hanji with his tech, and he had a habit of dragging whoever he could into his schemes. He started to suspect the psychotic women in front of him.

"Well, too bad, we can't keep your future husband waiting~!" With that he found himself being dragged by the female with a slight tinge of red splashed across his cheeks.

"LET ME GO!!!!"

M/n's head shot up at the scream of pure rage. That was Levi, but who would have the ba- It was Hanji.

He already knew it was Hanji.

It was always Hanji.

Why was she bringing Levi? He only needed one person. Was she bailing on him? Well, at least she didn't bring Eren, and that was all he could say to that. The sight of the male made a lazy smile appear on his face.

"What are you doing here, Levi?" He asked making sure to keep the joy out of his voice. Sure, he may be prickly, but that was all part of the fun.

The male's eyes landed on the engineer who grinned at him. Hanji simply shoved him forward already waving at M/n who laughed causing the shorter male to gain a light blush.

"Tch, what do you need me to do?" Hearing that the (Dark/Light) Haired male shot up already grabbing a device before attaching it to the 3d maneuver gear, stepping forward Levi watched the other move. It was strange, one minute M/n could be slaying titans at a rapid pace with no emotion, and the next he was here laughing and gracefully creating something. Still, the oil stains, burn marks, and scrap-metal proved that Levi couldn't be in the same room as his projects. "When will you clean this? The entire room's trash, dumb ass."

"It's not trash, it's organized chaos. Besides I would have sent you to the training room, but Hanji never told me that you would be here." M/n grabbed the gear already walking towards the door. "Sorry, if that seemed rude, I do enjoy your company. I just hate surprises."

He nodded already following the male as they walked into the training room. It was set up already to practice maneuvers, but it seemed like actual combat wasn't today's purpose.

"So, what are we testing?" Levi asked as the male passed him the gear to put on.

"Oh! She didn't tell you? Well...... Should have expected that, I guess, well I wanted to make a autopilot for the gear. Something that could help soldiers primarily focus on the titans. It should, key word being should, help reduce casualties. Yet, like all great things; it needs a test run."

"That's why I'm here."

"Yup, that's why you're here."

Rolling his eyes the ravenette walked towards the start of the course. How hard could it really be, if M/n and Hanji made it?

It was horrible, and with the combination of 'kinks' in the mechanics of this autopilot, well........Here he was caught in wires with the one person available laughing his ass off.

"HELP ME ALREADY!" Levi called only getting the male to wave a hand to wipe at his watering eyes.

"I-can't.........Just.....WHAT THE FUCK?!?!" The male shook as he nearly fell over again. "I'm so sorry.......just give me a minute. I'll..........Figure something o-"

"I swear I'm going to kill you."

"OK, ok, let me attempt to handle this." M/n managed to reach him already examining the tangled wires trailing a finger down the part embedded in the wall. Levi tensed forcing himself to ignore the hand trailing down his belt. It wasn't intentional. M/n never payed attention to things like that. He didn't even seem to care about people in general. "Huh........ Well this may take a bit."

"Of course it will." Levi grabbed at the wall to help steady himself as the other's hand ghosted his crouch. "HEY!!! Watch the hands!"

"Sorry." Still the other doesn't seem to truly care, his hands already back to the same spot. Gently his fingers are picking at the gear, yet sometimes it feels like his hand is grabbing at his thighs, And he swears he can feel M/n brush against the male's crouch earning a soft huff. M/n's head pokes up and tilts so he can see Levi's eyes, and the engineer looks confused. "Was that a moan, Levi?"

"Shut up." Despite the innocent look he can hear the teasing purr mingle in with his words. The hands trail up his calf making their way to his thighs and Levi deflates, letting out a low hum as he relaxes. "Just use your hands. I don't need to hear your bitching."

"Yeah, yeah, I know." Still M/n obeys lowering himself to start pulling off Levi's pants, Nipping at any patches of exposed flesh he can reach, and making sure the male is in too much of a haze to really care. Given how tense the male was this would be good for the both of them, plus it might take away the anger from this situation he had managed to get Levi into. Or at least put all of the blame on Hanji. Now he knew a way to use his mouth that would make Levi really scream. Engulfing the male's shaft eared him a loud scream and slender legs tangling over his neck. He was really going to enjoy this.

Seme male reader x Uke malesWhere stories live. Discover now