Seme human Male reader x Uke King Dice (Cuphead)

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Requested by: kingdicexjackson on wattpad

This takes place in the games timeline, hope ya like it! Also I made it so characters can change size, otherwise this would have been a bit tricky. Also I'm no good at his gangster accent.

KD = King Dice

The H/c haired male silently watched the young cup shoot at KD, he noticed the blue one, (Mugboy.....right?) watching with worried eyes. Guess he wasn't the only one worried about this match-up. He watched Dice's head tilt so he could spot M/n, flashing him a wink, as the cup disappeared to fight another one of his minions. He had to admit, Dice did know how to fight, and he looked good while he did it. The toon sauntered over to rest against the casino pillar with him.

"Ya enjoying the show, love?" The gangster accent he always found appealing filled his ears. M/n studied the dark green eyes watching him.

"While I don't quite see the appeal of battling myself, I do agree that it's entertaining to watch. Still, I'm waiting for him to get past that board." M/n purred shifted closer towards the other to rest against him. "Then again; I could think of much more entertaining things to be doing."

"Be patient, love. They'll be gone within the hour." He watched Dice's face flash with anger before disappeared. Guess Mr. Wheezy really failed in that battle. The cup shot at Dice again which had no effect before jumping to hit the dice that had appeared. Oh, guess who had to start over? Yup, that hot-headed cup. M/n nearly fell over at the cup screaming at Dice. Still, he tried to cover his mouth to prevent laughter unlike KD who was howling.

He hummed his eyes tracing the roulette board already seeing the battles the kid had missed. "He's already gotten the bonus health, and lost it."

The fight was rather tough, but in the end KD actually lost. He had gotten too cocky, and come on, the kid revolved around running, jumping, and gunning. Kinda defeats your love's strategy, so now you were tasked with dragging him away, and stopping him from a round two after the kid defeated the Devil.

"Come on, sweetheart." Dragging the angry male away form the casino.

"I can't let those scraps run around causing trouble!" The harsh yell didn't even faze you. Raising your free hand to jab at his arm earned you a sharp hiss. "What was that for, darling?"

"You're hurt. We're going home. I'm going to bandage you up. Then, if your good, we're going to have lazy sex. Got it?" M/n snarled gently shifting the toon so he could better support him. Seeing a dark blush smear across the other's cheeks he began walking easily. "We can come back and handle everything once you're healed."

"Hmph." M/n knows he won and simply focuses on 'carrying' the toon. It's a good thing he's tired out, otherwise he'd complain even more. The male was already feeling a headache form from the whining he'd have to deal with in the upcoming days.

M/n grabbed the bottle of alcohol gently shaking it before dabbing a bit on a washcloth. Ignoring the soft glares coming from his husband as he pressed it against a gash on his arm. Pressing a soft kiss to the toon's cheek he grabbed the roll of bandages already starting to wrap his wounds.

"You don't have to be so rough with me, doll."

"I won't break you, sweetheart. Besides if anyone is to blame it's the devil, he should have planned ahead. Besides if that idiot really thinks you're just some lackey than he's an idiot." Pressing another kiss at the corner of his mouth M/n pulled back examining the wounds before sighing, "I've gotten all of them. You should be good after a couple days of rest."

"Aw shucks, do you care about me?" King smirked watching the other pack up the supplies with ease already putting them back into a cabinet.

"I wouldn't have married you if I didn't. Besides, who would deal with your temper tantrums?"

"Hm, true I guess, anyway I have to ask you; was I good enough for a reward?"That made M/n smirk. If KD really wanted attention, than what kind of husband would he be to deny him?

Already shifting so they were nose to nose he allowed himself to rest his knees against the other's thighs. "Were you really being that good? If so, I guess I have to reward you."

Smashing their lips together he gripped the other's shoulders. If they were both this excited he would put off teasing. For tonight. Lowering his head he starts to trail down ignoring Dice's huff from him ending the kiss. Trailing kisses down he could fell Dice relax as he started to bite and suck. If they were staying home he wanted to cover the toon in hickeys. Hearing the moans increase around a certain spot of flesh he focused on it.

"" Dice has already lost his confident attitude, and switched to begging. Raising a hand to tug at the male's hair earned him a sharp huff before the pair started to shed their clothes. Smashing their lips together M/n started to trail his hand down running the tips of his fingers over the bulge in his boxers. Hearing the sharp intake of breath he started to speed up his rubbing moving down Dice's body to start nipping at his chest. It didn't take long for the spot in his boxers to get soaked.

"Were you that worked up, my love?" Gently, which was rare coming from the sharp tongued male, he pressed a kiss to the male's cheek felling Dice shiver his face scarlet. "Would you like me to slow down?"

"Please." It was soft, also rare, they both were going soft weren't they? Nodding, he pulled off the other's ruined boxers, but settled for light kisses focusing the pace to be slow, but passionate. "Sorry, for.......slowing us down........"

"There's no shame in being tired. You've had a long day, just relax, you've earned it." Trailing kisses down he met the male's v-line already pulling back to nip at his thighs. "If I wanted someone who would never tire I would find some hooker. Instead I married you."

"How charm-Ah.......wha....?" M/n, never one to miss an opportunity to take Dice's breath away, had engulfed his shaft. "Do... ....ah... ah... ..have .....reflex.....?"

M/n purred around the male focusing on pleasuring Dice. Luckily M/n was well versed in this; making sure each tongue motion, and head bob would make the other scream. Feeling a hand tangle into his hair pulling himself further down he made sure to hum earning a low moan. Grabbing his thighs to prevent him from thrusting M/n focused on making the other scream.

"Gonn-na---ahhh~" Now that made him grin. Earning himself one final scream he swallowed pulling away to lick his lips. "You are far to good at that......H-who even taught you to.......?"

"That's not a question that needs to be answered." Leaning forward to press a quick kiss to the other he shifted Dice so he was fully on the bed. "So, do you want preparations, or should I just continue?"

"Just continue." It's soft, a mere whisper, then again he's tired. Okay, then. He would finish this then.

"Alright." Tossing his boxers across the room he gently shifted the other's legs further open and slowly started to thrust earning himself a long scream. "Do you want me to get lube?"

Dice simply shifted his hips back letting out a low hum of joy. Rolling his eyes he continued his thrusts purring at how tight he was. The male leaned down to press a kiss against his Adam's apple as he continued his motions. A hand tangled into his hair, gripping at his H/c locks, as another hand scraped his nails along his shoulder. Growling he started to speed up making sure that each thrusts would earn him a scream or yowl. They were both getting close. How fun.


"I understand."

Speeding up for the last time they both reached their end. Hearing the scream of joy he allowed himself a low moan as he buried his face in the crook of Dice's neck. Purring he could already feel himself lulling into sleep and judging by the way Dice's grip had loosened. They could clean up later, or he would clean up later, which was the most likely option.  

Seme male reader x Uke malesWhere stories live. Discover now