Uke Shota Aizawa x Seme male reader x Hizashi Yamada (BNHA)

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Requested by: bleachlover2003 on wattpad

(Wrote the reader as having cat like features, hope ya don't mind.)

Quirk- Flaire: The user specializes in bright hallucinations, and making the target feel phantom sensations, overuse causes the user to lose sensations in his own body, hallucinations, and migraines.

Title: Curiosity killed the cat, but satisfaction brought it back~

The three of you were a strange match-up for sure, but in the end it all evened out. A voice of reason who would rather be in a cat cafe, a loud excitable cockatoo, and a playful Cheshire cat themed hero who was a bit too handsy. In the end; it was mess, but it was their mess.

Aizawa froze, his hand paused right above the paper he was grading, an invisible hand slowly gliding down into his pants. He could feel spots of cold, and hot air start to spread across his body as he felt his pants get tighter. He swore he could hear the playful snicker fill the air of one of his lovers, and as muttered out a curse swiping at the invisible hand as the laughter only grew in volume. He blinked slowly only to narrow his eyes at the sight of M/n now sitting on his desk, or at least a illusion of M/n.

"Stop." He hissed out ignoring the feeling of a hand jacking him off as M/n simply raised an eyebrow.

"Why? There's nobody else here, other than Mic. We should be able to have some fun, ya know?" The male whines slumping like a child as he maintained eye contact as if he wasn't using his quirk right now. "You won't even know I'm here."

"A bit too late for that M/n." He spoke resisting the urge to grunt as the pace increased. He also started to feel the phantom sensations of a mouth eating him out causing him to narrow his eyes at the male. The male shivers obviously happy with the reaction he was receiving. Still; he couldn't help but notice the furry ears twitching along with the single flick of his bushy tail, or the way his pointed pupils narrowed into slits. One day he figured those cat like features would be the death of him. "You know, playing cute won't work with me?"

"You always say that." He's pouting playing up his feline features to make the male's gaze softened, but he simply focused on his paperwork. He didn't need to acknowledge the male, or how close he was getting to an orgasm. All he had to do was play it out, and then M/n, much like an actual cat, would get bored and leave. The sensation is gone right before he could finish which made the male raise an eyebrow. "What? Is something wrong?"


"Hm, nothing? Okay! I'm gonna go play with Mic if ya need me. Hope ya have fun with those papers, Shota." He chirped already hopping off the desk, and as he moves past Shota his tail brushes right over the bulge in his pants earning a mumbled curse from the male. "Maybe next time if you really want control of the situation I'll wear a collar."

With that he's gone in a flurry of bright colors, and strands of H/c fur littering the top of his desk. He let out a shaky breath that he was sure he hadn't been holding in, and despite the male's claims of leaving he's sure he can hear something humming 'Fly me to the Moon'. He shifts only to groan at the tightness in his pants, and he can already hear Hizashi screaming in pleasure. Sparing one last glance at the paper work he stood up his legs slightly shaking as he forced himself to follow the noise to the empty nurses office. Recovery Girl was going to kill M/n if she ever found out that this was his favorite spot. Like always M/n had left the door open wide enough so he could see the pair before he even entered the room. Hizashi was leaning against the wall his head throw back, and his eyes were tightly closed. Meanwhile M/n was between his legs most of his head being covered by the other's thighs. The male shifted and he spotted a single E/c eye staring at him before the other male threw his head back nearly hitting the wall as he climaxed.

"Hey Shota, came to join in?" The male purrs and Hizashi looks at him with a loose smile stile coming down from his high.

"Yeah, come on!" He chirps and M/n nods frantically his grin only widening as his tail starts swaying slowly.

(Requests remaining:13

Non requests remaining:1)

Seme male reader x Uke malesWhere stories live. Discover now