Chapter 3

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The next time I saw Luke was totally by accident.


I was with a group of "friends", who wanted to go check out some new club.


 By the end of the night I was too wasted to walk in a straight line, let alone drive, and I was the least drunk of the group.

As we all stumbled out of the club, I walked right into someone.

"Oh I'm so sorry." I mumbled without looking up.

"Oh, it's fine."

I glanced up; I recognized that voice but couldn't place it.

"Hey, you’re that girl from the bar, Grace."

I thought back to a few weeks prior.

"Yeah you're that Liam guy right?"

He cracked a smile, "Close, but it's actually Luke."

I blushed, "Sorry my head's a little fuzzy right now, and I’ve had a few drinks." 

"Seems like every time we run into each other you're far from sober."

"You don't seem to clear headed yourself", I shot back immediately.

He awkwardly kicked at the ground and scratched the back of his neck.

"So you, um you here with friends?"

I laughed, "Hardly, they're all trust fund babies with bad attitudes."

He opened his mouth to respond, when Ashley one of my so-called "friends" came and looped her arm around my shoulder.

"Hey Bitch, who's this hottie you got here?"

I stood there not responding, knowing where this is going.

"Um, hi I'm Luke."

"Oh are you one of Grace's friends or boy toy?"

I mentally face palmed, to say this girl was as subtle as a brick was an understatement.

"No, just acquaintances for right now," I muttered back to her. 

"Good," She smiled wickedly and licked her lips.


Having a bad day.

Yesterday was my birthday.

Some of my friends are making me sad.

So bored, need to find people to hang out with!! Lol!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2014 ⏰

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