Figuring it out

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{A/N I'm sorry I'm switching between 2nd and 1st person a lot I hope it's not too annoying, I just haven't figured out my writing style yet}

Still 2 months ago

Namjoon's POV

Ever since we found the riddle Tae has been obsessed with trying to figure it out. He won't stop talking about it and keeps trying to have me solve it. One day during lunch, we tried to solve it together. It didn't go so well... 

Okay so the riddle was:

A cabin wrapped with wood

Made for the one who is misunderstood

In the place where wolves reside

In the middle of a musical instrument of hard surface

Find this and go where others cannot

But be warned, not all give much thought

Bring with you the secret formula

An unfriendly plant

A vial of Earth's lifeblood

The item you most value

Your most powerful tool

Bring these to me in the dead of night and I will show you where

No one has been before

"Okay, so let's go over the riddle again, shall we?" I said, everyone nodded, "Good so, 'A cabin wrapped in wood' that's obviously a log cabin." Everyone nodded their agreement.

"'Made for the one who is misunderstood' I'm not sure about this one, but it shouldn't be that important" "But..." Jin interjected "We should know what we're getting into before we run into a strange cabin" 

Tae stood up "It's not that important! Plus, it says 'misunderstood' that means they can't be that evil" 

Jin looked up at Tae with a calming gaze, "Tae, we know you're eager to see where this takes us, but you have to calm down. I think it is important, but I also think you're right, they can't be that bad"

Jin looked at the riddle again "Okay so, 'In the place where wolves reside' that doesn't sound very good"

I thought about it, "Well what about the Howling Woods? There's no actual wolves but it's implied by the name"

"I guess that makes sense, because I don't think there are any wild wolves anywhere near here" Tae approved.

"I still think it's a dumb idea," Yoongi said, "But we have to!!!" Tae practically shouted, "We n-need to, you guys don't have to come, but I'm going whether you're there or not"

"Well of course I'm going" Yoongi said, "I'm just saying it's stupid"

"'In the middle of a musical instrument of hard surface'" I said getting us back on track, "what in the world does that mean?"

Hobi concentrated, then said, "Well everything else so far has been describing location, so maybe we should get a map?"

*The bell starts ringing signaling the end of lunch*

 Finally, I thought. Out loud I said "Okay who has a map?" Kookie raised his hand "okay get it and bring it tomorrow"

"But... tonight would be perfect for it..." Tae started, Jin interrupted "NO we are not prepared" "but..." "I said no! Now get to class"

Everyone started walking their separate ways to their next classes.

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