A Few Days Later - Back In The Field

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(We get violent in this chapter, there is blood and stuff in this one)

I ran through the forest as fast as i could, dodging low-hanging vines and branches.

'i can't believe my dad is dead... oh god, he's dead' i thought over and over in my head

I just kept running. Never looking back.

'Just keep running' i thought. 'He's probably okay' i lied to myself.

When i thought i was safe, i stopped and looked back, not realizing i had just ran myself right into the middle of Nazi territory without any backup whatsoever.

I heard heavy marching all around me. I heard German shouting.

"FIND HIM! NOW! FASTER!" i heard an officer shout, i knew some german from high school.

I was 17 years old. I lied about my age to get into the army, because i wanted to fight for my country, i wanted to help win this war. I was 17 years old.

'Oh no, this cannot happen' i thought.

I checked my rifle, fully loaded. I checked my spare ammo for my rifle, about 100 extra rounds loaded into 12 spare magazines. I checked my 1911, fully loaded, .45 APC rounds, about 1000 extra bullets loaded into about 20 spare magazines. Lucky for me it was the middle of the night, so i had some low-light cover, unlucky for me, Nazi's aren't stupid, they have flashlights. I grabbed my extra-tactical-shovel, and i dug a quick foxhole in under a minute. I sat and waited for 15 agonizing minutes, waiting for a Nazi to find me. "ACHTUNG" i heard a soldier scream

*BANG* i sent a M1 bolt through his head, making a perfect hole.

Every Nazi in that damn forest ran my way. I was ready.

Left and right i plowed down Nazi infantry, i was shot at least twice, but i didn't feel it thanks to the adrenaline rushing through my veins.

Every Nazi i saw, i shot.

I felt the ground rumble and i saw headlights rushing towards me. I saw a Nazi transport truck. But... wait.

I took aim at the driver, and i saw my father driving, clutching his shoulder, in the back was my whole squad. They all started firing at the platoon of Nazi's i brought upon myself. I was sure they were going to shoot me as well, since i had stolen a Nazi officer's overcoat and robbed a helmet to wear with it. When they had stopped the truck, everyone jumped out to make sure every last infantrymen was dead.

I was soaked in Nazi blood, even when i dropped the overcoat off of my shoulders, my undershirt was red. I stood to greet my squad and noticed i was literally dripping with blood.

i will never forget that number.

462 Nazi's was the number.

I killed four-hundred and sixty-two Nazi's.

I was 17 years old.

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