Chapter 6

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"Violet!" Ally stood and limped over to him. "Yeah.." Violet whispered. "Get up," Ally

said, helping Violet up. "Ah!" Ally whimpered. "My arm!" Ally yelped. She fell against the

wall. Inhaling sharply she limped over to Violet. Violet stood up still regaining consciousness.

"Are you hurt?" She asked Violet. "No, I'm fine..." Violet said. Falling onto Ally's good

shoulder, they worked their way downstairs. Ally limped to the couch and sat down, holding

his arm. Violet picked up the phone. "Guys?" She started. "Yeah?" Kate and Sydney answered

after putting her on speaker phone. "Help...." Violet passed out by the phone. Kate hung up

and rushed over. "Ah!" Ally inhaled sharply his arm and leg felt on fire. The rest of The

Crafters arrived at their house. "Ally?!" Kate yelped. "Did you hurt Violet?!" Sydney

screamed. Ally whimpered from on the couch. "Woah..." Kate exclaimed. "Help me get

Violet...." Ally struggled with her cold words. "Get Violet, I'm-" she coughed, "I'm fine."

"Um.." Sydney started, "You aren't fine Ally. You're in worse shape than Violet." Kate

picked up Violet and set her in the car. She then ran back to help with Ally. Ally was

fiercely bleeding in her arm and leg. Her face was brutally scratched, as with the rest of her body.

Blood loss was starting to get to him. "Just, check on Violet," Ally managed. "No, relax, she's

fine," Sydney stated. "She won't relax until she knows Violet is ok," Kate stated. "This is all too

weird.." Sydney said. "What is up with Ally caring so much about Violet, they are best friends

and all, but I mean.." Kate said. Ally inhaled sharply. "My... arm..." She whimpered. "Come

on, Ally. You'll be ok," Sydney assured her. "My.. Violet..." Ally said. "Your Violet?

What?" Kate asked. "My... Violet..." She whispered. Ally passed out. Getting her in the car

Violet awoke. She sat Ally next to her and she leaned on her. Ally heard the steady beat

of Violet's warm heart and knew she was going to make it, now she only had to worry about


--- I am uploading 3 chaps today to make up for the fact that I won't upload until Wednesday. Chap 7 will be up soon---

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