Chapter 01: First Day

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~Seoyoung's POV~
"Wake up Seo!" You rolled over on you bed as your older brother attempted to wake you up. "Seo! Come on we have school!" As your brother messed around with your hair you finally woke up.

"What!" You said shouting at your brother. He gave you a cold look. "Sorry Yoongi, I'm not a morning person." You said apologizing to your brother. He rolled his eyes and threw your uniform at you. "Hurry up and change or your gonna have to walk to school." He said leaving your room.

Yoongi was never the person to show emotion towards you. You rolled out of your bed and grabbed your uniform. You dragged yourself to your restroom while rubbing you eyes.

Why was the skirt so short?! Honestly you would think that they would be longer but they were short. You didn't care honestly and tried to walk out of the restroom without the skirt going up.

Mission failed.

You grabbed your back pack and went downstairs. Yoongi was waiting in the kitchen with two granola bars. "Here." He tossed one to you. You surprisingly caught it. He gave an evil smirk and grabbed car keys from the kitchen drawer.

Yoongi was really your only transportation if you wanted to go somewhere. If he didn't want to take you somewhere than you would have to ask around your small group of friends.

You walked to the the car with your granola bar in hand.

ChimChim🍬: Hey Seo, can't wait to see you at school. I'll make sure to introduce you to some of my other friends.

Jimin has texted you while Yoongi started the car.

You: Yeah can't wait to meet them. Cya at school.

Jimin was one of the people in your small group of friends. Your only friends that you really hung out with were Jimin, Taehyung, and a friend named Hana.

The car came to a sudden stop. "Get off were here." Yoongi unlocked the car doors and you hoped off with your backpack. Yoongi ran ahead into the building without saying bye.

He was over protective at times but sometimes he didn't even show emotion towards you. He was confusing like that.

Surprisingly you made it on time to school and still had a small time of free period. You looked around and saw jimin waving to you from a group of people. You ran over to him to join. Were these the people he wanted you to meet?

"Seo, meet Jungkook, and Namjoon. Namjoon Was taller and older than you. His hair was a white silver and he had dimples whenever he smiled. He had obviously died his hair. On one hand he was cute but on the other not your type.

The other one was Jungkook. He was a few inches taller than Jimin which meant he was taller than you. His hair was red, he reminded you of a bunny with his smile. He was pretty cute but you weren't sure if he was your type or not.

"Hi Seo, your Yoongi's sister right?" Namjoon asked. Of course he knew who Yoongi was, he went to this school last year. You on the other hand were new to these hallways and class rooms. You nodded staring at his dimples that you couldn't get your eyes off.

"Nice to meet your Seo." Jungkook said looking at you straight in the eyes. He had a sparkle in his eyes that you couldn't explain. "Nice to meet you too Jungkook." You Said with a small smile.

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