Saturday: Finding Jacob (33)

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We enter a large parlor room. Windows line the left wall, some cracked and some shattered, letting the chilly wind from outside glide through the tattered curtains. A front desk lies ahead with debris scattered across the surface, separating us from the entrance doors on the other side. But we're not going back out. Not now, at least.

Terrell pauses halfway through the room, twisting around to watch silently as we crowd around behind him. Without a word, he nods toward a massive staircase that rises to a second and third level on the right side of the parlor. I'm sure it was rather elegant back in its day, built for show, of course. This is the place where potential patients and family come to see the sanitarium for the first time. First impressions matter, which is probably why the chapel is located so close to the entrance.

I nudge Oriana to the steps, and I hear her labored breathing groan quietly at the thought of climbing so many stairs. She puts pressure on her neck wound again, which looks like it stopped bleeding, but I'm sure it must be painful. I just hope she doesn't throw up again.

Terrell lingers at the base of the stairs, flicking his eyes around dark corners and every exit cautiously, keeping his fingers tight around his flamethrower wand. Veronica silently moves past us, and Michal reluctantly leads the way with his antique pistol raised.

Pretty quickly there's a gap--everyone reaching the second level, then there's me pulling my sister along slowly. We just made it to the third step. Terrell is still by the base, and he gives me an annoyed look, as if that will make Oriana move any faster.

Something crashes on the other side of the desk, and I feel Oriana go still in front of me. Terrell stands on high alert, pointing his wand toward the entrance. There's a rolling sound and a dry crunch as debris crackles underfoot.

A howler. I catch a glimpse of pale skin from behind the counter.

I exchange a look with Terrell, who quickly mouths something like, GET OUT OF HERE.

I grip Oriana's left arm and urge her forward. To my relief, Nolan rushes back down, as silent as a mouse, and takes Oriana's other arm to pull her up the stairs, much to her annoyance.

She gives him a glare and shuffles up the steps faster.

I twist around to see if Terrell is coming up behind us, but he's rooted to the spot, staring toward the front desk in shock.

I hear him mutter a soft curse, and to my dismay, he lowers the wand.

I let Nolan take Oriana up the rest of the way while I risk skipping down the steps to drag Terrell after me.

He shrugs me off with a violent thrust.

"Get out," he tells me quietly. "Get to the roof."

"Terrell--" I start to whisper, but he shoves me toward the steps.

The howler lets out a hiss, and I see it come around the desk to watch us. This one is a little smaller and bulkier than the others I've seen, and it's not naked. Pieces of clothes that still remain intact hold onto its arms and legs by threads. Its feet remain large and bare; its head still has a few strands of hair left.

I almost don't recognize him. Almost.

"Jacob?" I hear Terrell whisper.

My gut squeezes tight. I retreat a single step up the stairs.

The howler gives Terrell a long look, but its eyes are sunken and its gaze doesn't suggest human intelligence.

I can't imagine what must be going through Terrell's mind. He was staring at something that used to be his best friend. Inseparable, they were. Like peanut butter and jelly.

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