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(Kelsey at the top)

The pain in my head was enough to wake me up as I sat up in what I thought was my bed. I sat up and sighed as I stretched then rubbed my eyes slowly opening them. My eyes widened as soon as I noticed I wasn't in my room. I looked beside me and Jc was laying with his back facing me, shirtless.

I shook him a few times whispering his name harshly. Once he woke up he turned to me and gave me a confused expression as he looked at my chest. I looked down and seen I was naked "Jc what the fuck did we do?" I asked as I quickly got up and grabbed the closest shirt I could find which so happened to be Jcs Black hoodie. "I don't know" I spotted my underwear on the floor and grabbed them and slipped them up my legs.

Jc lifted his blanket and looked under it "I think we fucked..." Jc trailed off and I hit myself in the head as I stopped the completely empty vodka bottle on the nightstand "stupid, stupid, stupid" I mumbled with each hit as blurry memories of last night flashed through my head. I looked up at Jc and he looked sad but I shrugged it off I grabbed my phone and checked the time '3:28 pm' I quickly opened granny's contact and sighed as I typed

Cammy🌸: what size pants are you?

Fran🔥: small

Cammy🌸: can I borrow a pair of jeans or leggings?

Fran🔥: sure, you guys were so loud btw lol 😂

Cammy🌸: it's not funny we were drunk.

Fran🔥: oh. I'll bring up some aspirin and a water too.

Cammy🌸: thank you. Your a life saver.

I turned around before texting Ella and seen Jc pulling on some boxers and his sweats.

Cammy🌸: hey sorry I was out. Got drunk and passed out with a new friend.

Baby Ells🔥: all good. Who's the new friend?

Cammy🌸: I'll tell you later I gtg.

I put my phone on the bed as I heard a knock on the door before Franny walked in she handed me a pair of black leggings that were super soft and a water bottle and lastly two pills. I gave her a quick thank you and she left as I unscrewed the bottle and took one of the pills before handing the other to Jc as he scrolled through his phone. I handed him the water and he quickly took the pill. I grabbed the pants and slipped them on before grabbing my purse and putting my sandals in the bag.

"Are you leaving?" Jc asked sadly and I mumbled a 'yea' "were not going to talk about this?" He asked before I could answer he cut me off again "we definitely fucked" he told me as he turned his phone around showing me a picture of me sitting on his bare lap. "What's there to talk about? We fucked and Delete that." I told him sternly and he nodded and deleted the picture.

"Cam I admitted my feelings for you last night." He said quietly but with a mixture of irritation and sadness "what are we Camilla?" He asked and I bit my lip as I checked my phone again as a reminder appeared on my phone 'reminder- your going to be late. Dance at unity and diversity in 30 get stepping.' "Fuck. Ok uhm I'll text you my address and you can come over later and we can talk. I gotta go" I quickly rushed as I practically ran out of the house and to my car.

I popped the trunk and grabbed my extra converse and got in my car. I threw my bag in the passenger side and slipped the tennis shoes on before starting the engine and beginning a 50 minute ride to the other side of la.


I made it to the dance studio and quickly ran in to the desk. "Hey uh I'm Camilla Scott I'm here to film a dance video for the song 2U" I quickly stayed as my palms were pressed up against the desk "right down the hall. You missed rehearsal though sweetheart" the lady smiled sweetly and I nodded "it's ok. Thank you." I mumbled before walking quickly to the studio.

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