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I got in my car and immediately got my phone out and dialed Bobby's number. "Hey Cammy what's up?" He answered and i sniffled again as I wiped my eyes and sobbed a little bit "I-is jc ther-e?" I asked and Bobby's voice showed evident worry "yea why?" He asked and I wiped my eyes and nose "tell him I'm on my way." I mumbled before hanging up.

I sped to his house and parked before getting out and walking in without knocking tears were streaming down my face as I looked around and spotted Jc sitting on the couch with his head in his hands. I speed walked over to him and he looked up, standing up.

As soon as I was close enough I wrapped my arms tightly around his waist and laid my head on his chest and broke down. He sat down pulling me onto his lap as he rocked me back and fourth humming into my ear, pausing often to kiss me on my cheek or head.

I pulled away and sighed "I'm so so sorry. I like you a lot" I cried before burying my head back into his shirt gripping it with everything I had. I loved jc.

(Jcs POV)

"It's okay babygirl. Let it out" I spoke quietly in her ear before kissing her temple and wrapping my left arm around her and letting my right pet her hair. She sobbed and sobbed and I felt horrible for her. I hummed all of me by john legend as I rocked her back and fourth.

I glanced around the room and seen all the guys staring at us with a face meaning 'what's happening' but I just shook my head and continued on comforting Camilla as she cried.

Cammy cried for about an hour before it slowly and quietly died down. I heard her soft snores and double breathing as her eyes were closed and she was cuddled into my chest.

I gently moved her legs to one side of my body and put her head on my arm so I could easily pick her up which I did. I carried her up the stairs careful not to hit her head and to my bedroom where boxes of candy were still scattered all over the floor.

I carefully layed Cammy on the bed and covered her up before pulling off my shirt and laying near to her. I stared at her for a few seconds as she slept before realizing she was wearing my sweatshirt. I smiled to myself and put my arm around her waist. In her sleep she grabbed my arm and put her other hand on my chest making me smile more.

(Camilla's POV next morning)

I yawned and stretched my legs as I opened my eyes. I glanced around and realized I was in jcs room. I turned some so I was facing jc. I stared at him as he slept in awe. I used my hand to gently trace over his tattoos on his arm that was draped over me. I traced it up his shoulder and up to his face. I gently pushed his hair out of his face before bringing my finger over and tracing around his lips. Once I was done with that I leaned forward and placed my lips on his to wake him up.

After about 4 seconds of having my lips pressed into his he began kissing back. The kiss lasted for about three seconds before I pulled away and smiled at him. "Good morning beautiful" he whispered as he smiled back. I put my hand on his cheek and rem my thumb up and down his cheek. "Goodmorning" I mumbled before pecking his lips.

"If you don't mind me asking, why were you upset yesterday?" He asked quietly as he put his hand on my waist. I bit my lip and looked down "I met Justin Bieber-" "that's great" he smiled and I shook my head "my managers making me fake date him for publicity which means I have to keep you a secret" I told him as I stared into his eyes

"it's okay baby. Why is that upsetting? Well I mean I get it and all but you shouldn't be that upset" he smiled gently. "It's just really overwhelming. I had sex with you and had to leave for a dance video which Kelsey made me leave it to meet Justin and I told her I was in a relationship and she didn't care" I shrugged as I wrapped my arms around jc feeling happy in this moment.

"Your in a relationship?" He smirked and I rolled my eyes "I mean I would hope so" I said as I glanced down at our hands. "Anyways the Kelsey situation..." I said and he chuckled before pausing to think.

"Well I want you to do whatever Kelsey wants you to do and when you have free time we can help you find a new manager. And when you find a new one you can fire her and we can make a video to explain the situation to everyone. About how we've been dating sinnnncccce" he dragged it on as he checked his phone for the date "since April 8th 2018" he smiled and I shook my head "your a dork" I mumbled as I buried my head in his chest "yea but I'm your dork" he said in my ear before kissing my head and cuddling up to me more if that was even possible.


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