4 - a place to stay

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Trigger Warning

7 months ago

Lisa was sitting in the hospital waiting room tapping her foot impatiently, waiting for someone to come by and tell her what's going on.

Her and her mother had just been in a car accident. Lisa was driving home, considering her mother was tired and asked her to drive. She was casually driving and a car from the other lane swerved and hit their car, right where her mom was sitting.

Memories came back in bits and pieces for Lisa but she was scared, worried, and right now, alone.

"Lisa Manoban?" A woman asked her, she looked like a doctor.

"Yes, that's me." She said standing up quickly, wanting to hear what the woman had to say.

"I'm Dr. Kim, and I'm sorry to inform you that you're mother wasn't able to make it." Dr. Kim said.

Lisa stood frozen. Unable to speak or move, she just nodded as tears made their way to her eyes.

"The other drivers car had made a huge impact on her kidneys and she lost blood quick She could barely breathe when we arrived to the scene and it was very unfortunate that she couldn't make it. I'm so sorry for your loss Ms. Manoban." Dr. Kim informed her.

Tears started making its way down Lisa's face.

The Dr. took a deep breath, "I'll inform you of what will happen because of this. Where you'll go I mean. I'll give you some time Ms. Manoban and will be back out with some social workers in a few."

The Dr. walked away and Lisa practically ran over to the restroom.

Thankfully no one was inside and she shut the door, locked it, and fell to the ground.

"No, no, no, no!" She yelled, her voice getting louder with each word.

"Why.." she sobbed as she placed her head in her knees and cried.

"Why.. why me.." Lisa mumbled between sobs.


"We couldn't find any other family members Miss Manoban." The social worker said.

Lisa just nodded.

"I have reason to believe your father passed a few months after your birth?" The social worker asked.

Lisa shivered at the thought of that, she just nodded.

"We decided to place you in a great home." The woman spoke.

Lisa didn't want a new home. She wanted to run. Run somewhere, anywhere. As far away as she can from reality. Just a couple months ago she lost Jennie, and now this.


Lisa had no idea how she ended up on the streets. One second a social worker was talking to her. But after the woman left, Lisa did too. She didn't want to be there. But now she regrets it because she's lost and now she finds herself standing on the side walk waiting to cross the road.

"Fuck it." She mumbled. She crossed the road without looking both ways, not caring anymore.

A car honked at her. She just ignored it.

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