[3] A Wing-woman?

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[Chapter 3]

"So Bonnie has nothing to do with the theft of the exam key answers?" the principal asked the twin boys sternly. Both of them shook their heads without hesitation. 

The principal sighed and looked over to me "Okay Ms. Grey you may now leave," he said as he pointed at front door which was filled with peeping students. Mostly girls because the two Pierce boys were here.

I thanked the principal but he returned it with an impatient smile. Without sparing a glance at the twins I pushed the door open and pushed past the desperate ladies who were waiting for Daniel and Dare. 

"Bonnie!" a familiar squeaky voice said.

"JOJO!" I screeched and hugged her tightly. "Thank god the boys didn't blame it on me," I said with a sigh of relief. 

"I know right!" Jojo chirped.

She dragged me outside the school and into the courtyard where we rested on the sharp green grass. "Girl I have some serious matters to talk to you about."

"Okay Jojo spill!" I said my voice full of excitement.

She inhaled "IThinkIHaveACrushOnThePierceTwins," Jojo said way too fast. 

"What?! Talk properly I can't get a thing," I complained.

She grunted and fidgeted with her fingers "I think I like the Pierce twins!" 

"So which one of two?" I asked at her with wide eyes.

She hesitated and stuttered "Uhm," she breathed deeply "Maybe." I raised my other brow at her and she breathed out "Both?"

"What the he--" I cut myself off and stared at her calmly "Jojo you can't have two crushes at once. I mean that's just like marrying to boys at once!" 

"You're over reacting Bonnie," she made a 'pfft' sound with her mouth "I mean it could be possible right?"

I stared at her for a moment. The way her eyes shimmer with enthusiasm there was no stopping this girl from indulging into the Pierce boys. "Hey who am I to stop you?" I shrugged.

"No Bonnie," she sighed "Tell me the truth is it really okay?"

"Of course Jojo you deserve a happy ending," I covered her hands with mine "But not with two boys because that's just a big no in the rule of Love." I smiled gently to her and said "I promise you will eventually pick between the two."

I didn't take my eyes off her and kept my hands on top of hers. So this is what it feels like giving advice to a friend. 

"Oh look some lesbian action over here," I heard someone interrupt the serene atmosphere. Speaking of the devil or should I say devils.

I rolled my eyes and snatched back my hands, so did Jojo. I can sense she was nervous and excited at the same time reading from the looks in her eyes and her cheeky smile.

"Get lost Dare," I summoned rudely. I learned how to differntiate the two in a very short span of time, Dare was the playboy and by his name alone the daring one while Daniel was the gentleman and well taught with manners. But aside the personalities, Dare has a streak of brown in his hair which can only be found at the tips of his bangs which he keeps it upward. Daniel has jet black hair and no hint of other colors aside from black and he keeps it the same way Dare does. Both boys have well built bodies and strong jaws. To tell you the truth their bodies are well of the same structure.

Not that I'm checking them out or something. 

"That's rude way to get rid of someone," he whined childishly.

I groaned and watched Daniel "Daniel please get rid of your annoying brother."

"Sure thing," he said and dragged Dare away from the both of us. 

Dare acted like he was dragged away forcingly and reached out for me dramatically. "Don't worry love I will see you tomorrow!"

"Hah," I chuckled "Why would you we're in different schools, genius." Okay, I just needed to add sarcasm at the last part. 

He wiggled away from Daniel and stood up straight which made him much taller. "Your kind principal gave us a punishment to clean the school parking lot twice a week for a whole month." He added with a hop and squeak. 

Daniel saw the look on my face and he clarified "Oh yah it's true."

"Just remind me not to go to the parking lot and anyways I don't have a car," I smirked at Dare and pulled Jojo to walk away "Let's go Jojo we're wasting our time." 

Once we were out of ear shot Jojo gave me a distinct look. 

"What?" I asked horrified.

"How can you talk to them so naturally," she said shockinly "As what I've heard you're the shy and quiet type of girl!"

"I am the shy type!" I chirped. 

We stopped walking and she faced me sternly. "You don't seem like it," she shrugged.

"Anyways can I ask you a favor?" she asked.

"Sure anything," I answered with an ear to ear smile. She inhaled and whispered in my ear "Can you be my wing woman?"

"What's that?" 

"Like the bridge of my future relationship with one of the Pierce twins," she squeaked and jumped at the image of her and one of the Pierce together. 

Being the true idiot I am I complained "Still don't get it!"

Jojo giggled. "You're like telling them good things about me, silly," she playfully slapped my shoulder.

"Oh." I was unutterably speechless. This oughta be hard for me especially when I'm trying the best I could to avoid the boys. But despite my hatred for the boys I will do it for Jojo. She's my first friend that hasn't abandoned me the minute I talked about books! And she is a real human being not some pixelated friend I have in the computer who writes fan fictions with me.

"Okay thanks again Bonnie," Jojo squealed "Gotta go I have Social Studies!" She made a run for it but eventually I grabbed her arm.

"Are they supposed to be all true or with a little sprinkle of lies?" I asked her intently.

"A dash of it would do," she replied "Now gotta go Professor will hate me if I don't come on time."

I let go of her arm and stared at her walking away. 

So am I suppoed to lie for my friend? Is that what a good friend would do? OMG! I've stepped into a whole new world full of difficult choices. Oh gosh, how am I supposed to know which one's right and which is wrong?

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