A complicated love story(one direction: zayn Malik romance)

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It was about 11:45 and it was almost lunch. This week was pretty busy, we've been having tests each and everyday. I thought grade 8 was going to be easy but I was so wrong.

Sasha let's go, I heard my best friend Laura say


So what do u have for lunch


Can I have some, my friend asked with a pleasure smile on her face

Fine, here

It was about 12:05 and it was almost time for recess, but we never went outside, we always stayed inside and practiced for our dance we are dong this year for the talent show. We were heading down to my last years teacher, so she can supervise us, but......

hey, a voice called out from behind me

I turned around and saw that it was Rohan from my class. He was pretty popular,but I barely talked to him.

Hey Rohan, what's up, I said with a confused look on my face

Can I talk to

Ummmm okay, why not

This was kind of awkward. He never talked to me like this. I followed him and then he started.....

Sasha I have to tell you something

Yeah.. Go on

You might think I'm crazy

just tell me!! He was getting annoying now

U known my cousin, he likes you, and he wanted me to ask you to meet him

What, which cousin???

the one in grade 9, he said looking straight at the ground



But he's 2 years older than me, I was pretty shocked, what the hell was he talking about

Can u at least meet him

No I don't think so

After that I just walked away, what was he thinking, I'm too young to date and someone older deffinetly not. But this was really unexpected.


I walked back to my friends but I couldn't stop thinking about what Rohan said. How can his cousin like me?

I don't even know who he is,and when did he see me. These were some the questions haunting me. I just sat down with my head on my knees.

What happened, preethy asked me standing right in front of my face

What did he say

I stayed quiet for a while, then I said,he just needed help with his math homework

But why are you so quiet, thanusika asked

I'm just tired, I replied back

But you have to get off your lazy bum and get dancing.

somehow I forced myself up and tried to dance, But I couldn't concentrate, my mind was somewhere else. I got all the moves wrong and I fell a couple of times. To be honest I really was a innocent girl, I never liked anyone and I didn't expect anyone to like me.


Finally, the day was over and I was walking home with my other close friend Kathy.we just had dance practise, so we were pretty tired. She was really nice, funny, and a awesome friend.

hey Sasha,are you going to meet Rohans cousin or not, she asked with a huge smile on her face

What?? How do u know???

I was really confused right now

He told me, duh!!

But he told me not to tell anyone??

well he told me first then he told you Sasha

Oh wow!!

so what did you say?? Kathy questioned!!

I had been looking down for the whole time and when I looked up, I saw her grinning at me


Well, I said


No, my face turned straight towards the ground again.

What,your kidding Right!!

I could hear the anger in her voice, she was shocked. But I turned around and left.

Byeeeeeeee I have to go, I said


I just ran away as soon as possible. I knew what she was going to say. But I don't think it's right, I'm only 13 and he's probably 15 or 16. I never thought this would all start right now. Well there are alot of people that date in my class, but I'm not one of them. But I thought I was over reacting, he just told me to meet him. The whole night I was thinking, yes or no


I woke up and I got my answer. I got out of bed and got ready after 20 minutes, I was outside heading to school.I felt way better and I wasn't thinking about what Rohan said to me.when I entered the school, I heard screaming, I ran upstairs.

What happened is everyone okay, I screamed

Then I noticed all the grade 8 and some of the grade 7, 6, and 5 girls screaming from the top their lungs.I walked up to my one of friends and asked what was going on. I could see she had trouble speaking as well because of all the happiness. I asked all the girls but no one would answer.I was really confused, so I I just hed in my class and sat on my desk, so I can figure this out.After a while Laura came and sat beside me. She was my best friend and we always sat together.at least she seemed calm other than all of the other girls.I leaned towards her and asked what was going on. She turned and looked towards at me with a huge smile oh her face.

What is it??, I questions

But she didn't answer, I asked her again, again and again

Then she finally said"wait and watch"

what the he'll is that supposed to mean

after 2 minutes the Canadian anthem went on,then the announcements. I could see that smile on every girls face in our class. What was so good and important that all the girls were happy about. To find out I had to listen to the announcements really carefully.

Then I heard something which was so unexpected especially from our school. Suddenly when I heard the good news, a scream guested out and in no time I was jumping,dancing around the classroom!!


I hope u guys enjoyed the first chapter. This is my first book and please comment if you like!!! Thanks guys:)

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