We are there and with they!!!

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A najednou jsme slyšeli hlasy, ale ne typické, české hlasy. Slyšely jsme angličtinu. ,, Kámo jdeme tam, jsem zvědavá." ,,Ok jdeme, ale potichu."
Přišli jsme na konec chodby a tam nás zarazila ochranka: ,, Dobrý večer dámy, co tu děláte? Sem se nesmí, prosím opusťte tyto prostory a vraťte se na svá sedadla." Na to ale přišel on.

Pohled Andrewa:

"What's going on? Alex, I'm going to see it. " ,,Wait, I'm coming with you, I hear the girls' voices" "Come on."

,,Hello girls, what's happened?"Oh, my God, we're sorry we're here, we're lost and your security guy wants us back. We are so sorry you should prepare for your concert, it will be great, goodbye! "" Honza is all right, you do not have to watch us so much, we told you to protect us only from fans. " "I'm sorry, Mr. Palle, I'll be careful." "Miss, if you're here, come on, Sigma (předskokani) will leave for a minute and we'll be alone, we can talk." Mr. Taggart would be great, thank you very much. "" Come on and sit down." "Pane Bože my jsme s nima!?! Jak se to stalo?!" Šeptala jsem Lucce. "Je to zázrak, který se ti líbí víc? Já mám zálusk na Alexe...." "Mě se líbí Andrew, je neskutečně sexy" "Tak uvidíme co se bude dít" souhlasně kývnu hlavou a jdu se posadit.
"Dude, what are you doing?" "I don't know, they're gorgeous, they're worth a little attention." "Yes, but they are not a little young for us? They look like 15 years ..." "Yes, but I will ask them." "This will be an exciting night" "Yes"

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