Painful Life Part 1

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Miley's POV

My life was prefect until one day. "MOM, LOOKOUT!!" I screamed but it was too late. BAM! A 18-wheeler hit us. The driver fell asleep at the wheel and ran the red light. I woke up a month later to hear that my mom was killed instantly. I didn't think life could get any worse until now.

Chapter 1

I was over at my best friends, Joe's, house. I was laying down with my head in Joe's lap, looking at the hideous scar on my arm. Joe was playing wiht my hair when he saw me staring at my scar. "Miles?" I snapped out of my trance and looked at him. "Yeah, Joey?" Joe looked in my eyes. "What are you thinking about?" I saw him glance at my scar. I really didn't want to talk about it. I sighed and sat up and looked at him. "I'm thinking about my mom and the accident." The one thing i could not tell him was that I wanted to go in to the Army. I could tell that he was a little worried because he was there when the accident happened. He knows how I feel about my mom dying. "Do you want to talk about it?" He asked with a pleading voice. I couldn't talk about it. I shook my head and laid back down on Joe's lap. "I don't think I can." I heard Joe sigh. "Okay." He started to play in my hair again. "If you want to talk, I'm here for you." I know I can count on Joe for anything. I smiled, "thanks Joey." My phone went off so I looked at the text message. I was from my dad. It said: "Get home and make my dinner, NOW!!" I deleted the message fast so Joe would see it and the bit of happiness faded away. "I got to go." I stood up really fast. "Okay," he stood up and hugged me, "I'll call you later." I was really nervous. "Okay." I ran to my car and drove as fast as the law would aloud.

Joe's POV

I was really worried about Miley. Why did she run out like that? I wonder if my brother knows anything about it. "Nick, can you come here, please?" I yelled up stairs. "What's up?" Nick asked as he came down stairs. I walked over to the couch and sat down and looked at Nick. "Have you notice the bruises all over Miley's body?" Nick hesitated, "No.. No I haven't notice." He rubbed the back of his neck. He does that everytime he lies. "Nick, I know you are lying, just tell me the truth. Do you know what is going on?" He looked at his wrist that had no watch on it. "Oh, look at the time. I got to go, bro." He tried to leave but I grabbed his arm. "Nick, what the heck is going on with Miley?" He sighed, "I promised I wouldn't say anything. I'm sorry, I would like to tell you but I can't." Then he lefted. I was going to get to the bottom of this. Miley is my life and I love her. I don't want to lose her.

Miley's POV

I ran into my house hopping not to run into my dad but I did. I was scared, "hey, daddy." I tried to walk by him but he grabbed my hair. "Oh no you don't." Then he threw me against the wall. "I want my supper and I want it now. So go make it." He through me into the kitched so hard I hit my head on the table. I gasped in pain. "Yes, Daddy." I felt hot, gooy blood run down my face. I stood up and cleaned my face and started making tacos for supper. When I got done eating and cleaning I went to my room and cleaned up the cut on my forehead. When I was done getting ready for bed, there was a knock on my door. I was still crying from my dad pushing me into the kitchen table. "Come in," my voice cracked. Justin and Mitchel, my brothers, walked in. I looked away before they saw me crying. Justin sat beside me. "Miles, what's wrong?" He look at Mitchel, worried. I wipped the the last of my tears away. "Nothing is wrong." I looked away even more. Mitchel sat down on the other side of me. His eyes widen, "Miles, where did you get this bruise from?" I tried to cover it fast. "Oh, it's nothing." Justin stood up in frustration, "Miley, is he beating you again?" "No, he's not and he never did. I ran into the table when I got home." I lied. Mitchel sighed and stood up, "Okay whatever Miley. You know he did and he is doing it again but you go ahead and live your life lying." He walked out . Justin look at me, "Miles, tell me the truth, is he beating you?" I looked down, "No, he is not. I'm telling the truth." Justin was getting really frustarted with me, "Miley Ray, tell me what the heck is going on with you?" I was getting mad at this point. "Nothing is freaking wrong. Why is everyone asking me?" "Miles, just calm down.." At this point I was really mad. "I don't have to calm down. Gah. You know what get the heck out of my room." Justin stood up, "But Miley, I...." I had it now. "No Justin, get the heck out." He walks to the door. "Miley, I'm just trying to help." He left, I slammed my door and started crying and slid down the door. My phone started to ring with Joe's ringtone. I was crying, "Hey Joe." I heard the worry in his voice, "Miles, what's wrong?" I started crying harder, "life is wrong. I want my mom back." I heard his door shut to his room. "I know Miles. What's going on now?" "Everyone is in my flipping life and they won't leave me alone." "Miles, I'm sorry." I was still kind of crying, "Joey, you didn't do anything. It's my brothers." I heard him sit on his bed, "oh, I'm sorry." Then there was banging on my door. "Open this door, now." My dad yelled. I was scared. "Joe, I got to go. Love ya." I hung up.

Joe's POV

"Miley, wait." Dial tone. I was so worried about Miley and I through my phone across my room. "Dang it." Nick and Kevin walk in. "Dude, what's going on?' Nick asked me. I put my head in my hands, "it's Miley, is she getting beat by her dad?" Nick looked away and rubbed the back of his neck, "I can't say." Kevin looked up, "what? Miley is getting beat by her dad. We got to tell someone."

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