Painful Life Part 4

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Chapter 4

Kevin's POV

I walked downstairs, heading out to be with my beautiful girlfriend, Danielle. "I'm going to hang out with Dani. I'll be back later." I walked into the living room and saw Joe sitting there with his head in his hands, "Joe, what's wrong?" He looked up at me, worry in his eyes, "it's Miley. I'm really worried about her. What if David kills her?" I knew how he felt. I was asking myself the same thing all night. I went and sat by him. "Don't worry. She will be fine." What am I saying? I don't know if she is going to be okay. "Sorry for changing the subject, but I really need to ask you something." "Okay, what's up?" I need Nick here to. "Hang on. Nick, come here." Nick walked down stairs, "yea?" I took a deep breath, "what do ya'll think about me marring Dani?" A big smile grew across Joe's and Nick's face. I hope that means the want me to. Joe was the first to speak, "Kev, that would be great. Dani is like our sister." "Yea bro, you should. When are you going to ask her?" Oh crap, I haven't even thought about that. "I don't know. I haven't even gotten her ring yet." "Oh, ok." Nick said. "Well I'm going to hang out with her today so I'll be home later." "Okay," I heard Joe say as I headed to the door.

Miley's POV

I sat in my car in front of the Jacob's house. I still haven't grasped the fact my dad threw me out. I saw Kevin walk out and he looked my way. I looked away, but I saw him running over to my car. I heard him knock on my window. "Miles?" I got out of my car and hugged him and cried into his shoulder.

Kevin's POV

I hugged her back. I glanced to the backseat of her car and saw all her things. Did he really throw her out? "Miley, did your day throw you out?" She shook her head "yes." I knew she needed Joe, I yelled, "Joe, come here please." I looked at Miley, "It's okay Miles, you can live here." God, you don't know how bad I want to kill David right now.

Joe's POV

I heard Kevin call me from outside so I guess it must be something bad. I walked outside and saw Kevin hugging Miley, who was crying. I ran over to them. I was really worried about David did this time. "Miles, what's wrong?" I grabbed her from Kevin and hugged her. She cried in my chest, "He threw me out." I looked at Kevin with a i'm going to kill him look. He looked at me and shook his head agreeing with me. "Everything is going to be okay." I kissed the top of her head. "You can say with us." How can someone be so cruel to his ONLY daughter?

Justin's POV

I was so happy to see that Dad wasn't home. I walked in the house with Mitchel. "Miles?" Mitchel called out. We didn't here a reply. "Miley?" He called out again. Still nothing. I walked outside and saw that her car was missing. I walked back inside, "her car is gone." Mitchel looked at me, "you don't think..." I was thinking the same thing because we both darted to her room. We saw that all her things were gone. Mitchel fell on Miley's bed in disbielf, "how could he?" I stood in the doorway. I felt hot tears starting to bulid up in my eyes. "I don't know." I felt the anger build up in me. I started yelling, "dang it, we should have stayed here then she would still be here." I punched the wall. Mitchel stood up, "Justin, calm down. Everything is going to be okay." I stromed off to my room and laid down on my bed. I was so angry, the tears started flowing down my face. I looked over at a picture of me, Mitchel, and Miley. "Why did I have to go with Mitchel? If I didn't, I would be with you making sure you're safe." I rolled over and saw a note with my name on it.

Mitchel's POV

I walked into my room trying to clear my head. I saw a note on my pillow. It was from Miley.


I know you are wondering where I am because I'm no longer living here. Dad kicked me out. I had to leave or he would have killed me. I love you with all my heart. I don't know where I'm going but I will try to call you when I get there. I'm going to miss you.

Love you always,


He really did kick her out? How could he? His own daughter.

Justin's POV

I picked up the note and started to read it.


I know you're wondering where I am but I'm fine. Dad kicked me out and I'm trying to figure out where I'm going. I will try to call you when I figure out where I'm going. I love you with all my heart. Please don't come looking for me if I don't call. You're my best friend, my brother. I love you and I will miss you.

Love you always,


I put the note down yelled, "MITCHEL!!"

Miley's POV

I was walking around outside with Joe. I was calmed down enough to talk to Joe. "So are you going to stay here?" Joe asked me. I stopped and looked at him. "If I do, you have to promise me something." Was I really about to tell him I'm joining the Army? Joe looked at me, "anything to make you stay here." He turned to face me completely. I sighed, "you have to let me..." I was nervous to see how he would react. I sighed again, "you have to let me join the Army."

How is Joe going to react?

Is Miley really going to join the Army?

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