(4) Connections

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School felt like it was never going to end today. All day I was just thinking about Justin and going to see him today, so that's why this school day was non-ending. You know when you're looking forward for something, so it makes time move like a turtle? That's exactly how today was.

 I walked through the front door of my house and threw my book bag on the floor and headed to the kitchen. I packed some left over turkey and mash potatoes for Justin and then for afterwards I packed him a chocolate chip muffin. I swear I was spoiling him.

I really don't know why, but I was just so eager to see him.

"Hey Jade" Wendy came up behind me as she saw me packing all the food together. I jumped up, feeling a little taken back. I tried to hide the food, but she already saw it. "What's with all the food?" Wendy questioned me, with suspicion in her voice.

"Just going to go to Nikki's and eating some leftovers" I lied. I don't want her knowing that I'm going to feed a prisoner. She would kill me, literally kill me. "I don't have time to eat here because Nikki is going out later and we have to study" I lied on the spot. I mentally patted myself on the back for that one.

"Oh?" she responded, with a confused look. I knew she didn't believe me but I tried staying as casual as possible. I felt a thick tension between us, so I turned around to walk to the front door, but Wendy called my name, making me freeze. I turned around to see her standing down the hall with her lips parted. "I told your parents about your whole project because they asked me yesterday where you were" she said like she new I was going to the prison.

I bit my lip, getting a little bit nervous. I turned around and stared at her. "And?" I spoke, my eyebrows shooting up indicating for her to continue. I felt rage fill inside of me and I clenched my fist.

"They don't like the idea of you visiting a jail everyday and told me to tell you to stop going" she confessed nervously and started fiddling with her fingers. Wendy tends to fiddle with her fingers when she knows she did something wrong. I bit the corner of my mouth to hold myself back from screaming at her. I can't believe she would actually rat me out about this whole thing. I actually trusted her.

"Are you serious Wendy?" I spat. "I told you about this because I trusted you, and you couldn't just cover up for me for once? You knew my parents would bug if I went to the prison!" I found myself walking closer to Wendy, my rage completely taking over me. My breathing was starting to get heavier and heavier. "You know, I actually trusted you" I muttered, when I was at least an inch away from her face. "Silly me" I spat and then turned around and stomped down the hall and opened the front door and slammed it shut, hoping it made her jump.

The blood inside me was boiling at this point. Wendy can't keep a damn secret. She's so afraid of my parents that she would do anything in the world just to not get in trouble. The amount of people she got fired who worked in the house for my parents is unreal. She blames shit on people and will rat out anybody to keep herself safe. My parents aren't the nicest people either, if you have noticed. They wouldn't hesitate to kick one of the workers out if they pissed them off.

Of course Wendy ratted me out on stuff before, like sneaking to parties and drinking, but I had enough. I'm better off just keeping my mouth shut to her. I really figured she would help me keep this one a secret because it's for a project for crying out loud, and she saw how excited I was about this. But I'll be completely honest, I wasn't as upset that this might affect my project. I'm upset because I might have to stop seeing Justin.

I finally reached the jail and I managed to calm myself down by the car ride. I blasted the radio so I couldn't here my thoughts and had the window wide open to get fresh air.

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