(5) Trouble

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    I opened the front door to my house and walked down the hall way to the stairs to go to my room. Before the stairs is the dining room where I found my parents sitting with their hands crossed with very angry and suspicious looks on there face. They sat there like they were expecting me the way they had an extra plate set out for. I always know when I'm going to get in trouble when they set a dish for me at dinner. That means they went out of their way from work, to yell at me about something.

Before they could say anything I ran to the steps but stopped short when I heard my father scream my name. I pinched my eyes shut and slowly walked backwards down the two steps.

I walked to the entrance of the dining room and leaned against the wall, hoping that they wouldn't make me sit down. "Sit down right now" my dad spoke in a stern voice with almost hatred in his eyes. Spoke to soon.

I mentally rolled my eyes and walked to the end of the table where they had my plate set up while they sat on the other sides so I was basically surrounded. I shifted uncomfortably in my seat as they both glared at me. I wasn't really scared of my mom, it was my dad.

"Jade" my mom spoke in a soft voice, trying to stay calm, probably hoping it would rub off on my dad.

"No honey, let me talk" he interrupted my mom and there glared at me. "Where were you all day? Huh?" he spat while his face started to turned from a tannish color to a more reddish color. A frown formed on his forehead causing a few wrinkles to appear.

My mouth lightly parted, as I went to go speak but no words came out. They obviously found out I was at the jail some how. "I told Wendy where I was going, I went to Nikkis" I finally spoke and then scratched the back of my neck uncomfortably.

My dads face turned even redder and the veins on this neck looked as if they were about to pop out. "You're a liar" he muttered, but made sure I heard it.

I licked my lips and looked down to the floor. I tried to come up with a lie, but nothing came to my head. "How would you know that?" I asked, looking back up into my dads eyes. I tilted my head, waiting for him to answer. I don't see how he would know I wasn't at Nikkis.

"I called Nikkis mother and she said you weren't at the house" he snapped, making me jump in my chair a little. Well, shit.

"Nikki and I went out" I argued back, squeezing my nails into my palms, burning my skin.

"Stop lying!" he snapped and banged his hands on the table. "Nikki was home! She was the one who told her mom you weren't there!" he stated. I cursed Nikki out under my breath. She's such an idiot, I can't believe she didn't even think to back me up.

"Were you at the jail?" my dad hissed. I looked into his eyes but quickly looked away before he could read them. My dad can tell if your lying just by looking you in the eyes. That's why I avoid eye contact with him most of the time. Before I could answer, he basically answered for me. "You don't even need to answer because I know you were."

I bit down on the side of my cheek. He was over reacting over nothing! He's making it like I went to sell drugs or something. He actually set up a dinner just to yell and torment me. "I don't get why it's such a big deal" I protested. "Me going to the jail has nothing to do with you, its just for a project grade!" I felt my stomach twist in a knot. Going to the prison everyday isn't even about the project anymore.

Its about Justin.


"Jade! There's crazy people there who probably drool over you and it's dangerous" my mother softly spoke. I looked at her and rolled my eyes, she was completely irrelevant to this conversation. To be honest, she probably doesn't care. She just agrees with my dad for everything. It's like he gets inside of her head mentally and makes her agree to everything.

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