(3) Meeting Justin

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Mr. Jones walked off and told me I can leave when ever I want. I can't picturing my self staying too long to talk to him because I'm going to be here everyday, and I don't know if he will start getting annoyed or not.

I watched Mr. Jones walk down the hall and I stood there nervously, fiddling with my fingers. I ignored all the whistling from the prisoners and turned around and walked to the end of the hall.

I sat down and placed my hands on my knees, right in front of the bars. I noticed  he got up from before and was now laying on his bed with his hands covering his eyes. I couldn't really see what he looked like because it was a little dark in the corner he was in. I faked a cough, trying to get his attention, but he just laid there. I started to feel a little impatient. "Excuse me?" I finally spoke up.

He removed his hands from his eyes and glanced over at me. He rested his hands on his stomach and then turned his head towards me. "Who are you?" he questioned with a raspy, tired voice.

"I'm Jade" I smiled. I started to feel a little nervous but I hid that from him. "And you?"

"Why do you want to know?" he spat.

I shot my head back, taken a little off guard by him, but I wasn't going to be rude back to him. "Okay, Mr. No name" I said with a giggle, trying to make him laugh but he just laid there with a blank expression on his face, making me feel like an idiot.

I licked my lips and ran my fingers through my hair. "Can I talk to you?"

I heard an annoyed groan come from him as he got up and walked over to the bars. He was standing up, what practically felt like he was standing over me. I looked up at him and felt intimidated, even though he was behind metal bars, that were impossible to break through. "Sit down" I demanded. I heard him mutter something under his breath, but I couldn't really hear.

He sat down with his legs crossed right in front of me. I couldn't help, but admire his features. He had light messy brown hair, and he continuously started flicking his fingers through his hair until he felt like it looked alright. His jaw line was perfectly drawn to his face and so was the shape of his dark eyebrows. He had brown caramel eyes with rinse of red under them, indicating he was tired. His eyes were also a little puffy, as if he was crying. Under his right eye, he had a tiny scar. It wasn't noticeable, but the way I was studying his face, I was able to point it out. He had FLAWLESS skin, like models on tv. He did not have one sign of acne on his face. He could be a model if he wanted to. My eyes then traveled to his lips. They were light pink and plumped, that soon formed into a little smirk. "Like what you see, don't you?"

"I- I, um, yes? No, wait what?" I stuttered. God, why am I such an idiot.

"I'm joking, chill" he said with a smile, reassuring me that he was only joking, making me feel more comfortable. I squinted my eyes at his sudden change of behavior, but I let it slide.

I let out a nervous laugh and found my self blushing a little bit. "I'm Jade, what is your name?" I asked a little nervously, because before when I asked, he was being more of a douche.

"My name is Justin" he introduced and then let flicked his hair again. "So, not to be rude, why are you here, I haven't had a visitor since I got here."

"Well, I'm not exactly visiting.." I dragged, feeling much sorrow for him. "I'm here for a school project."

I saw Justin frown, but he quickly pushed it aside by flicking his hair once again. "So I'm a tool, you are basically using me."

I felt my heart skip a beat and I opened my mouth, but barley any words came out. Justin went to go get up, but I stuck my hand in between the bars and pulled on his orange suit to the floor, making him lose balance and fall back in front of me. I stared into his eyes and saw pain and anger. Just when he was about to snap at me I opened my mouth first.  "I'm not using you, I'm really not. Look, I have this school project and it's to find out what prisoners think of. Everyday, I come here and just talk to you. I picked you because you were different, you seemed very nice and respectful and I would actually really like to be friends with you" I said in one big breath. I felt my palms start to sweat and my heart beat start to pick up as Justin glared at me, probably debating on what he should say.  I nervously looked down, avoiding his stare and then remembered about the chocolate bars. I grabbed the four chocolate bars out of my back pocket and handed three to Justin and one for myself, hoping it would bribe him.

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