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Two years pass, and I'm in a predicament. We end up going to the same college, though there is a one year of separation. In that one year, we didn't see each other. We messaged and called but not like before. There is bound to be some changes, I think to myself.

We agreed to meet on the first day. I promised that I'll show him around first thing, so I wait for him near the gates.

I keep looking around me as I bounce on my heels, giddy and nervous. My eyes flit from person to person, not missing a single face. I feel my heart beat wilder and wilder with each passing second.

My phone vibrates in my pocket. I jump and almost curse. I take it out with anxious fingers and press a button so the screen lights up. I sigh once I see that it isn't Myungho and shove it back inside.

Why is he taking so long?

I check the time to see that only a minute has passed. I conclude that my watch is probably broken. I have surely waited at least ten minutes.


This time, I actually curse. I swear that my heart exploded. I bend over and try to relax my breathing.

The same voice giggles and hugs my back as an insincere apology. I groan and try to get him off.

"Jeonghan-hyung, what do you want?" I beg my voice not to sound so startled. Of course, it disobeys me.

"You just look so stiff. It isn't like you at all, Jun. I thought I'd help," he says complete with an angelic smile, as if he didn't just give me a heart attack a minute ago. His arms finally free me from their hold, yet Jeonghan keeps a hand on my wrist. I let him be, he's always this clingy to everyone.

I see Jeonghan open his mouth, about to say something, but a familiar face from across the road causes a sort of tunnel vision to occur. I don't hear the words Jeonghan says, nor see his fair face contort in confusion at my lack of responses. I watch as the familiar figure crosses the road and nears me ever-so-slowly. I watch as his brown eyes scan the crowd of uniforms and lands on me. I see him pause. I see him smile. I smile too. He comes closer, faster this time, but slows again as his eyes land on my hand. I wonder for a while before noticing that my wrist is still grasped by Jeonghan. I pull my hand from my black-haired senior and meet Myungho.

He has changed. He's certainly grown up. His hair is a natural shade of brown, bangs swept to the side so his forehead is visible. He's left his cute innocence behind and now sports a more mature aura. There really are some things that you can't know from texts and occasional calls.

"Hyung... you've changed," he mumbles, at a lost for words. He, too, is taking me in.

I shake my head. "You took the words right out of my mouth. You've grown taller, and you've changed your hair." I can't believe I have the ability to be this inarticulate.

Myungho laughs. He points to my now much shorter hair-- blond and bangs up in a quiff. "Your hair has changed a lot too!" I chuckle, unconsciously playing with a strand. "Yup, it has."

"Ah, look at you. You look like a high schooler in love. Let's go in now, okay?" I hear Jeonghan click his tongue and feel his hands on my arm guide me inside the to the school campus.

Jeonghan extends a hand to Myungho as he pushes me up a flight of stairs, I nearly tumbling from the pressure. "I'm Yoon Jeonghan, Jun's guardian angel. I'm usually just called an 'angel' but with Jun, I pose as his guardian most of the time." I shake the insult off, something I've learned from being with Jeonghan nearly every day.

I replay the happenings from just minutes ago in my mind. I replay the way Myungho's voice sounded deeper and surer. I replay the way he walked. I replay his laugh, still as musical as ever. I replay the wind ruffling his hair and clothes. Even after a year of not seeing him and being in his warm presence, I still feel my heart flutter in my chest.

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