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I wake up to my phone ringing. I reach over to my bedside table and answer it, my voice croaky and still half-asleep.

"Hello, is this Moon-Seo Junhui?"

The man on the other side of the call sounds unfamiliar, and I straighten to a sitting position. I am more awake and slightly worried. I look over to Myungho's side of the bed and begin to panic when I find it empty.

"Yes. What is it?"

"Are you the legal partner of Moon-Seo Myungho?"

"What's wrong? Is he all right?"

"He's been in a car accident."

I don't remember jotting down with shaky hands the name of the hospital on a random piece of paper scattered on the floor of my bedroom. I don't remember carrying Eunhee as I hastily grab the keys to our home. I don't remember hailing a cab. I don't remember telling him to hurry a few times more than what is considered polite. I don't remember arriving. I don't remember crying. I don't remember calling Myungho's parents because I can't possibly do this alone.

But I do remember seeing him through a glass window. I remember seeing the heart monitor and counting the small beats of his heart. I remember wanting to kiss his lips again. I remember wanting to hold his limp hands. I remember wanting to caress his cheek and wipe the blood from his chin. I remember wanting to hear his laughter again, something I haven't heard in a long time. I remember wanting him to live, so we can grow old and die together. I remember wanting to apologise for breaking my promise that I made to him years and years ago.

I want my Myungho back.

I learn that the driver of the truck that crashed into Myungho's car was high off cocaine and other drugs that night. It didn't help my condition at all. Eunhee has to stay with Myungho's parents because I keep getting worse and worse. I haven't slept in days. Jeonghan, Seungcheol and Jisoo accompany me the entire time I had to wait for Myungho to leave the ICU.

Seungcheol assures me that it wasn't my fault. It isn't a bad thing to get mad; blaming myself will only solve nothing. He keeps telling me these things, mending my heart with little pieces of sellotape in the form of words. Though they're fragile, though they're unsure, they keep me sane enough to live another day without Myungho.

Jeonghan makes me food and has me eat them at the right times. He rents some DVDs for me to binge watch or play in the background as I sit silently on my bed. They're always some chick flick or musical or feel-good movie. Sometimes, he sits beside me and holds me as we watch together. He understands me best, knowing when I want to be alone or need some arms around me for temporary comfort.

Jisoo does the laundry and brings me clean clothes to wear every time. He tells me to bathe once a day and doesn't give up until I do. He also fixes the bed during the time that I take a bath, making sure my surroundings are free from crumpled up tissues and other trash.

I am very thankful for them. I'm glad I have friends who are willing to sacrifice some of their time for me. I hope I can repay them some day.

A knock on my bedroom startles me awake. I only then realise that I had slept through the entire two hours of 'La La Land'. I look over to the door to see Jeonghan enter with a tray of freshly ordered fried chicken and rice. He takes in my ruffled hair and the credits playing on the TV screen and laughs.

"You slept through 'La La Land' again?" he asks almost rhetorically as I nod and switch the TV off. "One day, I will make you finish the entire movie. It's great!"

"Sorry," I say, moving over so Jeonghan can sit down beside me. He does and helps place the tray on my lap.

"C'mon now, eat up before Jisoo leaves for work so I don't have to do the dishes again."

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