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Years pass and we're out of school. We're living together in a cosy apartment in busy Seoul as it's close to both our workplaces. It's our anniversary today which means I woke up earlier than him and made him breakfast unlike our usual bread with jam breakfast because, if Myungho cooked, it'd be our last anniversary for sure.

I drove us to a deserted field in the outskirts of Seoul. He chuckles once I parked the car. "What's this?" I only shrug and kiss his forehead. "You'll see."

I open the door for him, and he makes his usual comment about how he feels handicapped when I do that. I link my arm with his which makes him giggle and playfully push me away, but he doesn't unlink them.

We finally reach a spot under a beautiful green tree, one of the pretty trees bordering a bright little field. I move away from him and hide behind a tree. He stays where I left him.

"Remember when you were angry at me because you thought I was dating Jeonghan-hyung?" I hear him laugh, embarrassed, as I dig for a small box inside a bag I left here earlier. "Yes, I do," he answers.

"Doesn't this place remind you of the field at school?" I ask him, finally wrapping my fingers around the velvet surface of the box. "Just add a few more buildings and less trees, and yeah it does a bit. Jun, what are you doing?"

"Shh, be patient," I reprimand him, placing the box in my jacket pocket. Holding a bouquet of white chrysanthemums in my hand, I step into view. His eyes widen at the flowers. I used to always get him roses, so white chrystanthemums are new to him.

He holds his hands out to take them, but I pull the bouquet to my chest. "I told you to be patient or you'll ruin the show." He looks confused, so I kiss him quickly yet passionately. Call me a hopeless romantic but I feel my heart pound every time I kiss him as if it were our first.

I pull one chrystanthemum from the bouquet and give it to him. "I want to kiss you like this forever."

I pull one flower from the bouquet again. With the hand holding the flower, I hold his hand and interlace our finger smoothly so that the flower stem is between us. "I want to hold your hands that fit so perfectly in mine forever."

I let him take the flower as I pull another one from the bouquet. I break the stem in two and let the stem fall to the ground and place the flower on his ear, lovingly stroking his dark chestnut hair as I do so. "I want to run my fingers through your hair forever like I do every night before we sleep."

I take another flower and caress his cheek. He closes his eyes and leans into my hand. "I want to fight with you over useless things and cry so that we can make up and fall for each other over and over again, and I can wipe the tears from your cheeks just like how I did when I first said that I liked you."

I give him the flower, not before wiping the first tear that fell from his eyes as if we had rehersed this speech. I pull another flower from the bouquet.

"I want to adopt some kids with you someday. Girl, boy, you choose, I don't care. If you don't want to, that's fine too. We never talked about it. I just want you to know that I'm open to it."

More tears flow down his cheeks and drip down his chin. His hands shake as he accepts the flower. I smile at him and wipe the tears.

"Myungie, don't cry. Come on, smile."

He laughs softly as he chokes on a sob. "That's it," I encourage. He doesn't like that and slaps my arm.

I take another flower. "You know what I always think when you laugh? I think, 'wow, that's the one melody I can listen to all day and not get tired of.' Your smile and laughter are so beautiful. I want to see you smile forever. I want to hear your laughter endlessly," I say as I give him the chrystanthemum to take.

✧*・.Terrible Things .*:・゚JunhaoWhere stories live. Discover now