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Autumn's POV:

All day I have been coughing non stop. I honestly feel like I'm going die. My throat hurts so talking is difficult and it's really annoying the hell out of me. To top it off my nose is super runny and my head hurts. I took some medication which made me feel a little better but I still feel like shit. Luckily it's a Saturday so I didn't have to go to school. My dad however had work so I was home alone for the day.

I watched TV to try and make the day pass quicker. I turned on the news and saw a women talking about and attack on the Gotham Gazette.

"Leading a gang of mad lunatics, Jerome Valeska and some of the Arkham Asylum escapees held an entire bank hostage just a few hours ago. They had stolen $500,000 then drove off in a white van with a license plate that reads LK16F4BC. If you see any of these criminals please contact the GCPD right away," the news anchor woman said as I watched the screen intently.

A montage of the surveillance cameras and other footage of the escapees played. The leader of the gang, Jerome Valeska, was mostly shown. He had bright red orange hair that anyone could see from miles away. He had a psychotic grin and a laugh that will haunt you in your sleep. It echoed through the air like the world was empty and that was the only sound that was ever heard. Endlessly rippling through the air, his laughter sent chills down my spine.

"Jerome Valeska..." I whispered as I stood up and went to my dad's desk, "Jerome Valeska," I dug through my dads files and found his name, "bingo."

I walked over to the couch and sat down with the thick file in my hand. As I opened the file, a photo slipped out. It was Jerome's mug shot photo. In the photo he wickedly grinned at the camera. I sat the photo next to me and looked at the documents. There were and endless amount of files from Arkham. The files explained how he was arrested, what crimes he committed, basic information, when he escaped, his fingerprints, handprints, medical history, and so much more. I felt like I knew who Jerome Valeska was and his back story.

My vibrated phone next to me, shaking me from my thoughts. It was my dad. I swiped right and lifted the phone up to my ear.

"Hello," I asked, coughing immediately after.

"Hey princess, how are you? Feelin' any better?"

"Yeah. I took some medicine so that helped a little," I croaked as I got up and walked over to the fridge.

I grabbed a bottle of water and opened the cap. Taking a sip, I plopped back onto the couch and curled back up into a ball under my blankets.

"Well would you like to maybe get some lunch later? I'll be on my lunch break in about mmm... 45 minutes."

"That sounds great dad."

"Alright. Meet me here, at the GCPD. And be careful. You don't know what creeps you may bump into."

"Will do dad." I chuckled.

"Alright well, see you soon. Love you."

"Love you too. Bye." I hung up the phone.

I put it back in my pocket and continued to look at the files with an occasional glance up at the TV. They were still talking about the Maniax! On the screen it showed a bus with a bunch of cheerleaders inside. You could hear his wicked laughter as girls cried out. Jerome Valeska walked out of the bus holding... a gasoline can? As soon as the police showed up there was gunfire. His laughter only increased in volume as flames erupted next to the bus. The gang ran toward a gasoline truck and drove off. My dad quickly ran toward the bus and drove it away from the scorching flames. There was a big bang and screams once again filled the air.

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