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Jerome's POV:

I was intently watching the news so I could hear the story on our headliner of a crime. And the best part is that Autumn actually got to kill one of the reporters.

"I'm outside the Gotham Gazette where, the GCPD investigates the Maniax's recent act of terror. The escapees took seven reporters hostage, then threw them off the roof. All 7 victims wore straight jackets and had spray painted letters that spelled out 'Autumn'. We were able to obtain footage that showed their leader, Jerome Valeska, and Autumn Gordon kissing. Investigators think this act was symbolizing his love for her," the reporter said looking back at the scene behind her, "if you see any one of these people please call the GCPD right away."

Photos of all of us including Autumn were displayed on the screen. I snickered as I thought of all the coverage we were getting recently. Surely Gotham had felt the utmost fear.

But then my mind drifted to Autumn. That kiss we shared at the Gotham Gazette. There was something about it. She may have not given me much of a reaction but chills still ran down my spine as electricity surged between us. Something made my lips desire to meet hers once again. I was longing to hold her again in my arms. No... I shook my head at my ridiculous thoughts as I noticed her walking into the room.

"Hey there Autumn! How was your nap?"

"It was fine. I think that was what I needed," she mumbled as she rubbed her eyes.

"Good. Come, sit," I patted the seat next to me and she obliged.

I wrapped my arm around her and rubbed her arm. She breathed in slowly, leaning into me. My heart suddenly started beating faster. What is happening to me?

"We're on the news again."

"How wonderful..." she mumbled lowly.

"This is spectacular, but now we have to lie low for a little while so that the cops don't find us," I acted like I didn't hear her as she deeply sighed as her eyes bored into the tv, "it won't be for too long. Maybe a day or two."

I don't really want to "lie low" but I want to get to know her. I don't know why but I do... these feelings I'm having are so foreign to me and I want to explore them. Autumn brings them out in me somehow. I clearly can't fight them so I might as well find out what they mean.

"Okay," she mumbled as she adjusted her head on my shoulder.

"So... what's your favorite color," I randomly blurted.

She sat up and looked over at me with her brows knitted together in confusion.

"I'm sorry...?"

"You know... favorite... color," I asked awkwardly.

"Uh... blue. What about you...?"


"For blood I'm guessing," she sighed and rolled her eyes.

"No, my hair of course!" I point and look up at my head, earning a chuckle from her. She immediately put her hands over her mouth to stop the laughter, "Would ya look at that? I made the girl who never seems to laugh, laugh," I grinned proudly.

"Shut up," she nudged me lightly.

"How about your favorite... time of the day?"

"I'm a night owl, obviously."

"Favorite TV show?"

"Honestly I watch the news a lot..." she chuckled, "but I like watching Tom and Jerry sometimes."

"Greatest childhood memory?"

That's when the room fell silent. She sat and pondered the thought for a while. Her expression became saddened and broken. I raised an eyebrow as she sighed lowly.

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