Before | Chapter OO2. Do you plan to move from there?

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I walked through the corridors of the school with a couple of books in my hand that had to take them to my locker, came to open the locker I feel that someone crashes into me making me stick my head in the locker I go out quickly to see who it is and is Andie .

-I'm sorry Brooks.-Andie said distressed.- Alejandra pushed me without wanting to.

-All right.-I said a little annoyed.

-It was not my intention.

-I said it's okay.-I sounded loud in my locker making a jump to several that were nearby including Andie.- See you.

-Today I'm going to Rachell's house.

-We see you there.-I said moving away from there.

Take my cell phone to see the time making me hit someone.

-I'm sorry.- said a peculiar voice.

Tyler Williams.

Too peculiar in my opinion.

-Ajam.-I said something annoying.

-Excuse me, did I bother you?

-No, I'm ...- I sighed trying to calm my anger.- Fine.-I tried to smile.

-Well, we'll see you. -he said goodbye with his hand.

-Yes of course, it will be better said: I'll see you, you'll just ignore me.- gruñí.- But it does not bother me, I have a boyfriend.-I smiled when I remembered it and then I went to go.

I am rare by nature my people.

But that's it or being late for the director's speech in my Physics hour.

He arrived on time and I go to where Rowling is talking to one of her friends.

-Hello. -Greet kind.

-Hello Alaska.-they said.

-And Jordyn?.- Ask Row.

-Said he could not come, did not I send you a message?

-If he did it alone, I could not check the message.

-Vale.-He said and we remained silent looking forward because the director came.

-Good morning.-said the director.


Good Morning?

It's 12:20 pm, sir!

-Good morning.- everyone said.

-Good afternoon. -I said bitterly and nobody listened to me.

-I hear you.-said Row.

Good except him.

I would have expected him to do it.

-Do you plan to challenge him ?.

-I do not challenge you, it's just that you're wrong, you should not say 'Good morning' when it's past 11:20 am.-I said and he just nodded.

We sit down because he ordered it so.

-Well, I want to wish you a good start to the week and a good school period is difficult but I know that you can come out victorious of all this, we are in the second week of the first lapse and I congratulate all those of the fourth year who passed all their subjects and that in two more years will be high school graduates, congratulations.- we all applaud.- Well, they can retire.

-That was it? Please could have said it by the horn! - I said.

-This is him, we can not do anything, is the director.-he said and only fulminate him.

Is seriously?


We walked out of the place and many went to the classrooms while I stood in the hall, some left and others so obedient entered the classrooms, do they want to have class? Well, I can not say anything since I'm here, thinking about leaving or staying.

- Do not plan to move from here? - Row said to my side.

-No, well, I'm going home. -I said.

-Well, let's go. -he said and we walked to the exit there was nobody in the hall so we were just Rowling and I, we heard a few steps in the distance.

-A teacher! .- I said at the same time as Rowling and we ran.

- Hey, you two! Where are they going? - we hear the voice of the director.

-Fabulous.-I said so that only Row will listen to me.

We arrived at the exit and we ran away from there we were 3 blocks away from the school and we stopped to recover the air.

-That made me lose 4 kilos.-I said tired.

-I chewed the fat of the breakfast pie.-he said and laughed.

-Where do you live? .- I said.

-A block back from here, and you? .- I ask.

-4 blocks later. -I said with annoyance.

-Good I must go Alaska- said Row and we said goodbye, I started walking towards my house.

I think I'm missing something, what will it be?

I cross the street and continue straight to my house some cars and motorcycles pass by, but there is no one in the street, only the noise of the birds whistling.

I see my house and I am relieved to hear a car go by with music that I like, You came, I smiled.

Collin, Collin.



The pizza shop!

I hit my forehead with the palm of my hand and I kept my sweater in my bag to start running to the pizzeria, while I ran I saw the time 1:30 pm, I must get there quickly the light is green, and I need two more to arrive, hurry red, needed to arrive fast, finally it is red and I am the first to run, I reach the other after two blocks and it is also green again I must wait for the stupid red, it takes 60 seconds to change and I run faster the other is red, luckily I can see the pizzeria nearby and I run when I arrive I have to go up some stairs, I recover a little air and I almost dragged up the stairs, and I lower the kilos of breakfast, I open the door and I examine the place looking for Collin and I see that he is staring at me, surely he was waiting for the door, I approach him and he smiles at me.

-I was waiting for you.- he said.

-I imagined it and I regret it, I remembered it when I was near my house and I came running. -I said and placed the bag in the chair that was next to it.

-Well, I was going to order. -he showed me the menu.

-It is not necessary, we are saying according to our tastes and we combine.

-All right, double cheese, ham, mozzarella.

"Yellow cheese, corn and mushrooms." I said and he nodded.

-That's okay.-He got up and went to ask for the pizza while I saw my phone and I took a picture, now that I remember I still do not take a picture with Collin, I started to avoid the picture and I uploaded it to my social networks .

-Alaska, it's ready as requested. -said Collin with the pizza in his arms and a boy.

-Vale.-I leave the pizza on the table and the boy the soda and then leave.

I took a picture of the pizza and I uploaded it to my social networks, Jordyn and Rachel wrote me but I ignored the messages I would see them later, I grabbed a piece of pizza and gave it a good bite.

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