Roses Part 11.

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One Week Later.....

One week. Its been one week that I kept myself locked up in my house avoiding the world and people in general. I just had to leave London. I couldn't be there anymore and I sure as hell couldn't see her anymore.

It hurt to much.

I turned off my phone and left it somewhere in my room while I watched sad movies, listened to sad music, wrote some depressing music and ate food. I knew I looked like absolute crap but I didn't care. I honestly had no reason to care anymore.

I know everyone is probably thinking that I'm being a little dramatic, but how would you feel after the one person you cared about chose someone else over you? It would sting like a bitch and everyone knows it would.

She started hanging out with him again and I knew that I probably had million of messages from her, the girls and the guys, but I didn't want to turn on my phone and face all those headlines. I didn't have it in me to see her happy while I sat in my house depressed and eating my feeling away.

My thoughts were cut off by someone knocking on the door making me ignore it and sit in the same position and turn the music louder. I heard the door open and close making me me groan and turn down the music down a little.

Y/n:"I told everyone to leave me alone! What the fuck is so hard to understand about that?!"I asked annoyed making a certain blonde with Hazel eyes stand in front me.

Hailey:"Y/n"Her features softened once she looked at me making me roll my eyes and sit up a little while I changed the song.

Y/n:"I see the pity in your face....stop looking at me like I'm broken. I know I am, but try not to make me so damn aware of it"I said rather annoyed making her take the remote from me and turn the music off"Hailey"I said looking at her making her look back at me with the same expression.

Hailey:"Sit and shut up"She said throwing the remote at me. I sat there and sighed throwing my head back as she opened the curtains and windows making me groan and cover my eyes"This place smells and feels like death"She said making me groan even more.

Y/n:"No shit Sherlock, It was intended to feel and smell like that"I said making her walk in front of me and stand there with crossed arms.

Hailey:"Whats going on with you?"She asked making me sit forward and smile at her.

Y/n:"You look rather pissed off today....did I mention that pissed off looks good on you?"I questioned making her sigh.

Hailey:"You missed meetings, you missed photoshoots and you haven't talked to anyone since London. You haven't even been seen from your last concert....everyone thinks that you're dead"She said making me wake up and walk to the kitchen pouring myself a drink.

Y/n:"I thought I was to, but here I, breathing....its all so unnecessary"I said making her pull the glass from my lips and throw in down the sink"That was expensive"I said looking at the blonde making her roll her eyes.

Hailey:"You never answer my question"She said making me sigh.

Y/n:"How do you expect me to be Hailey? I'm sad, depressed, hurt, broken, lost, confused. I am everything you could describe in the book that can remotely relate to sadness"I said looking at her making her frown"But other then the fact that the move of my life is with someone else I'm walking on sunshine, I'm seeing the world in rainbows and praying for world peace"I said walking away from her.

Hailey:"You do know you don't have to pretend with me right?"She said making me let out a bitter laugh.

Y/n:"Dont we all pretend though? We live in a world where all we do is pretend....we pretend to be happy and we pretend that it doesn't hurt. We pretend that it doesn't fucking kill you, but in reality it does. It kills you and you wait for it to stop hurting but it doesn't! It doesn't stop hurting because it always going to hurt, no matter what!"I said as my eyes got glassy"I can't pretend Hailey because it hurts, its hurts so much and I don't know what to do about it"I said making her walk over to me and pull me into a hug"I-I cant-"

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