Queen Of My Heart Part 5.

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Zayn:"Y/n! Wake up sleepy!"He yelled hitting my back with a pillow making me groan and shove him away.

Abel:"That's mean, but seriously, wake the fuck up"He said taking the pillow and smacking my head.

Travis:"Damn, I would have just tapped her shoulder or something"He said making them all laugh while I covered my head with the pillow.

Taco:"Y/N!"He yelled making me groan and take the pillow throwing it at him.

Y/n:"I just want sleep"I said making them all sit in my bed and give me a look.

Zayn:"Shame"He said making me show him the middle finger"Hate me all you want, but its already twelve and you need to get ready for your date with Bella"He said making me open my eyes.

Y/n:"Huh? I slept that long"I mumbled sitting up straight and rubbing my eyes.

Abel:"Yeah, we went home and came back and you were still out like a light"He said scrolling through his phone.

Travis:"You could probably sleep through a storm"He said making me chuckle.

Taco:"Anyways, do you know what you're doing for Balla?"He asked making me nod, yawning a little.

Y/n:"Yeah, I have everything planned out...I just need to set it up, get ready and pick her up"I said making them all nod.

Zayn:"Need any help?"He asked making me shake my head and smile at them.

Y/n:"No thanks, I have everything sorted"I said making them all nod.

Abel:"Well, we all have some stuff to, so we'll see you when we can"He said getting up making me nod.

Y/n:"Alright, I'll message y'all"I said making them nod. I woke up and gave them small hugs before bidding them goodbye. I heard the front door open making me start making my bed.

Travis:"Use protection Y/n!"He yelled before shutting the door. I chuckled shaking my head and sitting down in my bed, grabbing my phone. 

I scrolled through all my messages and replied to them until I landed in Bella's name. I tapped on her contact name and pressed dial making her pick up on the second ring.

Bella:"Afternoon sleepy"I heard her say making me chuckle and lay back on the bed still feeling a little tired.

Y/n:"Afternoon Isabella"I said making her giggle a little"I'm sorry I didn't reply earlier, I was out cold and only saw the messages now"I said making her hum.

Bella:"Its okay, I'm assuming you just woke up though"She said making me yawn and hum.

Y/n:"Yip, the guys decided to give me a  very loving waking"I said making her laugh a little.

Bella:"I'm sure"She said making me smile"So, just a few more hours until our date. What do you have planned Y/l/n?"She asked making me sigh.

Y/n:"That for you to find out darling"I said making her groan"I should start getting ready and stuff, I'll be there to pick you up at seven"I said making her move around and hum.

Bella:"Alright, see you later baby"She said making me smile at the end.

Y/n:"Alright beautiful, I'll see you in a few"I said making her hum.

Bella:"Okay, bye baby"She said making me wake up and smile.

Y/n:"Bye baba"I said before hanging up. I put my phone to charge and did my morning routine. I changed into this 👇and made my way downstairs sighing.

Reckless Love {Bella Hadid/You} - Completed ✔Where stories live. Discover now