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Once again Simon is a lot smaller than Josh for this.
Simons POV

"Hey Joshy." I smile climbing on his lap my bare lower legs rubbing against his rough jeans,
"Hey Baby Boy, you Okay?" Josh asks wrapping his arms round me,
I nod "I'm good."
He kisses my forehead "You look very beautiful today."
I blush "Thank you, I didn't make much of an effort."
He sighs sadly "I've got a lot of work to do, why don't you go edit?"
Whimpering I cling more onto him more "Wanna stay with you."
"I know baby but I need to do this, unless you have a way I can work but keep you close."
"What If you work on your laptop so we can sit in the bed or sofa?" I reply,
"Hmm... actually that's a good idea!" He smiles kissing me softly,
I hop out his lap and jump on the bed "Wanna get changed Si?"
"Okay." I giggle grabbing one of Josh's hoodies, I take off everything but my socks and boxers. Pulling the hoodie over me it goes down to my knees and I smell in Josh's sent, before feeling arms round my waist. Spinning around he picks me up bridal style and gently places me down on his bed, he walks round the other side and places his laptop on his knees while I snuggle into his side.

Josh's POV

Simon ended up falling asleep while tucked into my side looking adorable, I'm almost finished with my work so that means he can get cuddles. Typing out a final paragraph to  send away to my manager, I quickly scan through it checking for any mistakes and hit send the log out my laptop.  Closing the lid and placing it on the floor, my hand travels to Simons hair "Si, Baby, wake up."
His eyes flutter open and he smilies "Finished your work?"
"Yep, time for cuddles."
"Yay!" He giggles,
I kiss his temple before resting my head on his "I love you so much Si."
"Love you more Bear."
"Bear?" I cringe slightly,
"I know it's cringy, but you're my teddy bear."
"You're actually to adorable, only you could make that cute." I chuckle,
He blushes and climbs into my lap "I want you to draw patterns on my back, but then I want to keep your hoodie on." He pouts,
"Well you need to make a choice don't you." I smile,
"Erm... Patterns! But you take your hoodie off too." He smirks,
"Sure Bub." I reply pulling off my hoodie and then his. He snuggles closer and strokes my chest, while I gently graze my fingers over his back making him shiver.

Running one or two fingers across his back he lets out little sighs of pleasure, letting me know he's enjoying it. My face rests on his head as I smell in his shampoo and he looks up at me. I lean forward capturing his lips in a short, sweet kiss then pulling away to kiss his nose "I'm tired Si."
"Me too shall we go to sleep?" He says,
I nod and he climbs out my lap getting under the covers, "I'm gonna pee." I chuckle.

After I've done my business I pull of my jeans and socks leaving me in my boxers before hopping into bed next to Si. He wriggles into me and I wrap my arms around his waist, giving him a passionate kiss as I do every night "Sleep well Love."
"You too Joshy. Love you."
"Love you too." I reply closing my eyes and drifting to sleep.

Waking up to an alarm is the worst, I tap my phone screen turning it off before letting go of Si and sitting up to stretch. Just as I'm about to stand up a hand grabs my wrist "Morning."
"Morning Babe." I smile turning around,
He looks at me with sad eyes "Please stay, stay home just for today."
I sigh "You know I can't."
His face saddens more "Please just say you're ill please Joshy."
"I guess I do need a day off." I agree,
He smiles "So that's a yes?"
I jump on him and start tickling him "Of course it's a yes!"
He giggles and tries to wiggle away but I lean down and take him by surprise with a kiss "So gorgeous What'd you want to do?"
"Anything as long as I'm with you." He beams,
I flop down and moved to his side so I can kiss his neck, I lick over the skin and begin to nibble as his soft moans fall. Then I suck hard on the skin leaving a purple mark "Joshy please do more!"
"Your wish is my command." I say going straight for his week spot making his back arch slightly,
"Yes Joshy!"
I continue making marks all down until his chest "You look good." I smirk,
He lightly hits me "lucky I'm yours then."
I growl slightly "Mine."
"You're hot when you're possessive." He says casually,
I run my hand through his hair "No ones taking you away from me."
"Good because I don't want anyone too." He sasses
I pick him up and his legs wrap round me, his face nuzzles into my neck "Want a hoodie?"
"Yes please." He mumbles jumping down from me "I'm gonna change and you should too, but don't put a shirt on."
I smirk "Yeah would my baby like that?"
He bites his lip and nods innocently, I kiss him before walking over to my drawers grabbing a pair of boxers,sock and joggers.

After I'm dressed I go and brush my teeth as does Simon. He's wearing one of my hoodies which is very big on him and some shorts underneath only slightly visible. I rap my arms round his waist as he leans into me "Joshy." He sighs happily,
"Yes Baby Boy." Picking him up again but bridal style this time, he looks deep into my eyes before pulling me down. I chuckle before pressing our lips together "I love you, I love you."
"Love you too, you goon."

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