Chapter 1 - Base Camp

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*Incoming news! England has been taken over by the alien race and are continuing to destroy everything in their way...*

" Turn that radio off or I turn you off! " came a loud voice from a heavy built man.

In a worn out tent that looked abandoned with tatty rags everywhere and cobwebs hanging with bullet holes in the sides stirred a man, normal built, 5ft 7 high with short pitch black hair and tanned skin opened his pale blue eyes and looked around the tent, then started moving out of the bed and with every movement a small squeak would come from the small tattered fold up bed.

The man stood up right with a slight swaying movement and walked out the front of the tent to stand outside, his leather clothes swayed in the wind, his face lit up as the sun rays hit his face, but then that peace was disturbed by trucks going by with fighters in-side them, armed to the teeth. With a sigh he started to walk, but then was interrupted by a shout from a small man

" Hey! Cornell! the general wants to see you! " the small man struggled to yell from were he was.

" oh dear what is it now " he sighed and started to walk.

As he walk across the rocky, dusty ground path he made his way to the General, on his way he stopped at the sight of a small child being carried away motionless of life as he looked forward he saw more graves being dug out for more people and a priest with them. The Cornell was not pleased at all and continued to walk, as he arrived he looked at the Generals tent, it was much better condition then all the other tents, it was clean and tidy, he shook his head and walked in.

As he walked in he was stopped by two armed fighters.

" Stop there " one of the guards said with a face saying " if you move i shoot you "

So the Cornell waited, the General lifted his head up, he had gray hair that was all knotted, he had nice clothes and medals on his top.

" Move " the General let out with a bark.

With that the fighters moved and let him pass though.

" Cornell we have a task for you " exclaimed the General.

" What is it sir? " asked the Cornell as if he knew what was coming next.

" Well your task is to... " the general paused as he heard a large bang.

" SIR! SIR! " a resistance fighter was shouting.

" What is it? " the General asked in a worried voice.

" The Tyranids are attacking sir! " shouted the injured fighter

" Get the fighters ready! Cornell... take this " the general handed the Cornell an assault rifle

" Yes sir " the Cornell replied and ran out the tent with some other fighters.

He ran towards the entrance of the camp gathering all the fighters he could... as they arrived they took their positions and took aim and waited... as the fog cleared a swam of Tyranids was waiting for them.

" Cornell Hoffman " a fighter called out.

" What are we going to do? "

The Cornell was thinking and thinking of what to do.

" We do what we always do... Kill them all! " Hoffman shouted.

And then a swam of bullets went by flying over his head hitting the alien swam and killing them one by one. The alien swam started their attack on the fighters and charged, there blades full of blood from previous raids,their teeth were as sharp as knifes, their amour was thick and their blades were as sharp as diamonds.

Within seconds they breach the line of defence cutting down anything in there way, they tore up the fighters like paper... blood was every were and body parts flew in the air, the fighters bullets were going everywhere and hitting everything.

" Sir! we cant ho... " the fighter stopped.

Hoffman looked at him, he had a blade stuck in his chest... blood was gaping out of the injury as the Tyraid removed its blade blood started to gush out everywhere and went on the Cornell. Blood started to come out of the fighters mouth and fell to his kness... before he could speak again more Tyranids jumped him and tore him limb from limb.

The alien swarm came in their numbers overwhelming the defence line...

" Pull back! Pull back! the first line of defence has been destroyed! move to the second line of defence! " yelled the Cornell over the sounds of screams and gunfire.

The fighters ran to the second line while the Tyranids made chase after them, taking down as many as they could...the Cornell had two Tyranids after him he ducked and dived over obstacles, one of the Tyranids jumped at him with its blood covered blades aiming for the kill... then suddenly... the alien's body hit the floor with a bang, it's head blown in half and blood seeping out of the remaining head and it's brain was sagging out of it's skull. The other Tyranid stopped dead in it's tracks then turned and ran.

Hoffman looked up and saw a strange figure holding what seemed to be a sniper atop of a tower aiming down his sights and taking more Tyranids out, Hoffman continued to run, he got to the second line in time and turned around and started to fire his weapon.

" Get down! Get down! " a fighter yelled to his comrades

The alien swam seemed endless every time they killed one two more came on to play, the gun fire was disturbed by a series of explosions, body parts of the Tyranid swam flew at the fighters covering them in blood and guts, after the explosions stopped and the blood coloured dust cleared there was nothing left of the Tyranid swam part from their body parts left from the explosions.

" Thank the lord for artillery! " called out a fighter.

The Cornell got up and the rest followed, looking at the torn up ground seeing if any survived the attack. Some started to head back to camp, the Cornell turned and wiped the blood from his face and headed away from the battlefield.

As he walked away there was a sudden thumping noise coming from behind him... he turned to see what it was but as he did... there was nothing there, he looked closer at the ground and it started moving up, small cracks appeared on the ground and with a sudden bust the ground was torn apart pieces of the concrete flew in the air taking out some fighters and a guard tower.

A large figure came out of the ground, it was a least as tall as a building, its blades were as long as a jets wing and its teeth as long as tables for four people, the fighters were shocked and turned and ran only the brave stayed and fought the creature... the Cornell was one of them.

" Hold your ground men! " yelled the Cornell scarcely

" We must defend our families! "

The creature let out a loud roar as it did saliva came out of it's mouth covering some of the fighters, the creature took one step forward, and the ground shook under it's wight and caused a shock wave shaking the fighters some were toppled over.

The creature took some paces forward towards the fighters, and with every step the ground beneath them shook

" Cornell! What do we do! " yelled a frightened fighter.

" I... I don't know... I don't know "

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