Chapter 1

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Hello! This is my first fanfiction on wattpad. All of the members 5 Seconds of Summer are creditied respectfully. None of these event are true... yada yada... I really hope you enjoy this I've worked so hard on it with the help from my super rad beta Maddy (MaMarshmallow). If you do like my story enough to share please do but credit respectively! ENJOY!



The fire crackled in the silence and the pit was warm on my feet. It was too hot during the summer to have a fire going, especially in LA, but it was soothing to listen to the wood crackle and send sparks floating to the sky. Sue me. I sat in my backyard reading and soaking up the peaceful scenery while the sun was setting and painting the sky with beautiful mixes of reds and blues. When it became too dark to read, I dog eared my page and relaxed in the still air.

That quiet was soon spent as yelling came from the other side of the privacy fence. What the absolute hell? I huffed and got up to greet our new neighbors with a smack in the head. I pulled a lawn chair over the fence so I could see the perpetrators.

"Hey! I know you're new to the neighborhood and everything, but keep the volume down!" I put on my bitchiest smile.

"Sorry, we didn't realize we moved next to senior center," the boy with wild colored hair smirked at me and I scowled.

"Rude!" I squeaked. "I'm trying to relax over here. I don't need your noise."

"You could join our noise," the curly haired one suggested. He had the most prominent Australian accent.

"I'll pass," I smiled and turned to jump off the chair. I grabbed my book after putting the fire out and stormed angrily into the house.

I walked upstairs to my bedroom while my younger sister walked out of her room. "Is everything okay? I heard yelling."

"Everything's fine, it's just the new neighbors being loud. I think they're college kids."

She wrinkled her nose. "Gross. We have enough of those." Suddenly her expression changed. "Gi, you need to hear this band." She said as she pulled me into her room.

"Auggie your 16; you need to cut the boy band shit." I groaned and let her pull me along.

"You're not even gonna give them a chance huh?" she pouted.

Time for the moment of truth. "Are they associated with One Direction?"

"Yeah, kinda," she sighed.

"Then nope, no chance. Night Auggie," I turned on my heel and walked out of her room, shutting the door behind me.

I went to my window which, ironically, had a perfect view of the next door's backyard. I wasn't peeping I was simply curious about the new neighbors. That's justification right? I kept getting drawn back to the boy with the colored hair and his rude comment to me. I'm the queen of sarcasm he cannot invade my territory. Plus that smirk, I just wanted to slap it right off of him. Who is he to act like a know-it-all? I flopped down on my bed drowning out Auggie's music by flooding my mind with thoughts of the boy with the wild hair.

* * *

I woke up to my alarm scaring the crap outta me. I had no schedule, since it was summer, but I did like waking up at seven to go for a run around LA. Well, not all of it. I threw on shorts and a loose fit tank top. I laced up my running shoes and on my way out the door I pulled my hair into a pony tail. As I passed the house next door I thought about the group of boys last night all sweet, except for one. There always has to be one bad apple right? But I can't know that already when I've barely spoke to him. Why am I thinking about this? I don't care about him or his friends or how cute they are. Wait. I contemplated that thought the rest of my run which was quite long today because I wanted to forget the boy with the colored hair.

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