07:44 tagged

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the person who tagged me LadyKadie <3

the person who tagged me LadyKadie <3

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1) EXO - Growl

2) EXO - Growl

3) UNB - Only One ( do listen to them, their songs are freaking awesome! )

4) UNB - Sense

5) EXO

6) NCT, IMFACT, GOLCHA, UNB ( my ultis )

7) all songs in my library are my favourite

8) nct's jaemin, mas's dongmyeong, imfact's leesang, UNB's hojung ( his voice is bae ) ( sorry i can't pick XD )

9) i love all of them equally since i'm not into girl groups much

10) see 8)

11) The Unit - Stay

12) Yes. There's a lot but still not clean la XD

as always, idk who to tag but you can do it ( and the tag before ) if you want :D

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