08:05 tagged

11 6 4

so i was tagged in this two things;

so i was tagged in this two things;

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1) MinJoo ehehehe2) Main vocal , lead rapper ooF3) Jungkook? Jaemin? Bongjae? idk dude4) mood maker 5) i don't have one wtf XD6) black only la7) qfffaaps squad, LadyKadie , and whoever who wants to be my roommate XD8) constellation HAHAHShshs9) st...

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1) MinJoo ehehehe
2) Main vocal , lead rapper ooF
3) Jungkook? Jaemin? Bongjae? idk dude
4) mood maker
5) i don't have one wtf XD
6) black only la
7) qfffaaps squad, LadyKadie , and whoever who wants to be my roommate XD
8) constellation HAHAHShshs
9) stars HAHAHhshsh

i'll just combine then since it's the same.

annyeong ooF

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