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Listen to: Never enough - A rocket to the moon
While reading this chapter


So here I am, sitting in the passengers seat of Ashton Rivers black lamborghini as the morning sun peaks among the horizon. Here I was, sitting here observing the boy right next to me, watching his jaw muscles clench and unclench every now again. Here I am, thinking about how the hell I got here.

"How long till we're there?" I wiggled in my seat uncomfortably. We've been driving on a long path surrounded by nothing but trees for almost ten minutes now. All I wanted was to just hop out and breathe in the fresh morning air and pine pristine crisp.

"Sit still pretty, we're almost there." He glances over at me and I look away immediately. I wish he'd not look at me like that. Like he's seeing his future right in front of him or something. His eyes eat me alive, I swear.

While watching blurs and jumbles of green whizz by I feel my phone vibrate in my back pocket. I pull it out from underneath my weight with a little bit of subtle struggle and see who could possibly be texting me this early in the morning. Or who could even be texting me in the first place.

Where the HELL are you?!

Oh god, it's Ella.

I forgot that I hadn't told her about Ashton kidnapping me for today. I sucked in a breathe and preparing for my tragic death.

Ashton decided to kidnap me for today. I really persisted. The boys impossible I'm telling you!

The sound of me sending the text goes off loudly and makes me jump a little. It even made Ashton shoot his head towards me. I watched him hard. His eyes first looked at my phone, then they trailed to my lips, then they greeted my eyes. He swiped his tongue over his bottom lip before speaking.

"Who are you texting?" He asks nosily. I decide to tease him a little bit. That's what he gets for being such a damn jerk all the time.

"My boyfriend." I say a little more cheerfully then needed and shoot him a big cheesy smile. His cheeks turned a little pink and his grasp on the steering wheel tightens so much that his poor knuckles turn ghost white.

Jeez, whys he getting so bent out of shape from me saying that?!

"Just kidding," I giggle before showing him the screen. "Just letting Ella know of my whereabouts since you sorta... Kidnapped me."

Ashton's grip loosened a fair amount and he exhaled a breath that I presume he'd been holding in for quite some time.

"You're very funny." His tone sarcastic. I ignore his comment and go back to texting Ella.

I read Ella's text.

Without me?! You've lost you're damn mind.

I can't help but smile while reading this. I can just hear her icy tone and dark hair bounce as she speaks those exact words.

It's not too late to come pick you up.

Bring that black lamborghini back here and come get my ass then!!!

I giggle.

"Looks like Ella's joining us on our rebellious acts." I say while setting my phone in one of the cup holders in the middle. It fits perfectly, that's useful.


As we pull up to the scene, my heart nearly melts. Actually, I nearly melt. The view was beautiful. Trees surrounded us, circled us. Not even half a yard away was a couple cabins, three to be exact. Behind the cabins was a lake. It wasn't huge but it most definitely was not small. I wondered how I never knew about this spot. I step a few steps into the vibrant green grass and let the refreshing air filter through my lungs. I heard someone walk up next to me. It was Ashton.

"This place is beautiful." I gasp in awe. I'm completely blown away.

"Yeah, it is." He says, his voice deep and gravelly. I look over to him expecting him to be taking in the view but instead, he's looking at me.

He's looking at me.

Another car pulls up and Jaylen, Justin, and Connor step out of the car.

"They're joining in too?" I say gleam-fully. I enjoyed having all four boys around, they made me feel fun and bubbly. Ashton nods his head before walking over to his friends. I venture off somewhere behind the cabins, stopping in front of the blue lake. I heard quiet footsteps walk up and right away I knew it was Ella.

"This is amazing." She says with a smile spread across her lips. I swear I see a twinkle light up in her eyes too.

"Yeah," I grin. "It is."

"Not as amazing as how he acts around you." Ella says as she dips a few fingers in the water. We both plop down into the grass, inches away from the water. Just taking in the view and talking.

"What do you mean?" I glance over at her.

"Really?" She asks a little agitated. I nod my head innocently and she continues on.

"Taylor," she pauses and thinks hard for a moment, "I think he loves you." She finally lets out a deep exhale. I widen my eyes, they probably look the size of the earth. Two earths planted into my eye sockets.

"He's so isolated. It's only him and his boys. That's how it's always been." She removes her eyes from me and back onto the water. I felt my cheeks burn a little, and for some odd and unexplained reason, my eyes also began to water.

"When you moved, you know four years ago, he started behaving oddly. He started..." She pauses to think of the right word. "He started getting into fights, drama, whatever. He was lost. He was lost when you left."

I felt a sharp pang of hurt in my chest. Why? I have no damn clue. I know 100 percent that this boy sees me as nothing but another stupid sleetzy idiot. And I saw him as nothing more then a brown eyed jerk.

And that's when I realized I was lying to myself.

"Taylor, he likes you. I know he does, I just know it." She tops it off and her cheeks are inflamed with the color of red. I wanted to laugh because everything she was saying was absolute crazy talk. But the way her face was contorted into one of such seriousness, I keep the laughing to a mental.

"Heeeey ladies!" Jaylen says in a girly voice, probably mocking us and also causing the both of us to jump. We both glare at him and he makes a turn on his heels and heads back to his friends. Ella and I both die of laughter.

We sat by the water for a while longer, but all I could wonder about is how Ashton really felt about me. What was going through his head right now?

 What was going through his head right now?

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I really feel excited about this chapter.

Let me know what you think.


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