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Agh, This chapter is a good one, I think. It really keeps you on your toes.

Listen to: Oxygen - Fred V & Grafix While reading this chapter


As I got ready for school today, I felt really energetic. That's weird. Like really weird. Being this energetic at 7:00 am is odd. Maybe it's because I didn't have time to surprise Ella yesterday, so today's the day I get to see my best friend.

"Want me to drive you to school, tay?" Dad asks from his current position on the couch. He seems to be watching the News or something. I look outside and the sun is shining and the sunrise is aesthetically pleasing.

"Actually," I inhale, "I think I'll walk to school today." Dad looks at me as if I had just grown two heads.

"O-...Okay." He says. I kiss him on the forehead and grab my backpack.

"See you later," I chirp before closing the door.

The weather was absolutely perfect. It was hot but the morning breeze repaid for it. I may not be able to remember where my classes are, but oddly enough I can remember the route to school. I cross many streets, turn many corners, and sooner than later, here I am. A mere human being standing in front of a staggering tall building. People looked at me wide eyed— surprised to see my face resurface I presume. Out of the crowd of students walking inside the school, I spot Ella. My lips form into the widest smile ever made as I run up and swing my arms around her from behind.

"Who the hell?!" She exclaims while whipping around to face me.

"Oh my," She stumbles on her words. "OH MY GOD!!!" I chuckle before being embraced into another hug.

"TAYLOR! OH MY FUCKING. YOU ARE BACK!" She screams and basically jumps up and down. Students walking past look at us but I easily ignore them. I'm beyond happy to see Ella.

"Girl have I missed you," She says out of breath from all her screaming. Her dark hair is tied into a high pony tail and she's wearing a black shirt and skirt.

"Is this your new style?" I ask, stepping back to take a look. "The whole grunge idea."

"Yes oh my god. Isn't it adorable?" She says back in the most happiest voice i've ever heard.


I watch Ella's eyes go from me to something behind me. I turn to see what she's all wide eyed about. A black lamborghini, the same black lamborghini I saw driving through my neighborhood, pulls into a parking space.

"Who in gods name can afford such a car...In highschool?" I ask, eyes still glued to the car. I decide that looking at the car is boring so I turn back towards Ella.

"His Dad is loaded with money, that's how." She shakes her head. I chuckle.

"Those guys are too hot for their own good." Ella says in a lower voice. I scrunch my eyebrows and turn back towards the black car. Four guys walk out of it and are heading towards us. Probably because we were standing in front of the entrance doors, but still. My mouth nearly does drop to the floor, these guys are absolutely stunning. I mean like, Calvin Klein models kind of stunning.

"Sheesh, they seem kinda..." I pause trying to look for the right word.

"Isolated?" Ella adds.

"Yeah. That's the word."

"Well, none of them really talk to girls." She pauses and flicks her gaze back to me. "Or anyone for that matter."

"Why?" I ask sincerely confused.

"Dunno," she shrugs. I watch her brown eyes widen and I turn around once more. The four boys detour their route to the entrance doors and are now walking towards us. I frown in confusion.

"New girl," one of the boys on the farthest left says. At first I didn't realize that they were referring to me, but I soon caught on.

"Uhh," is all that came out of my mouth.

I'm so embarrassingly stupid.

The four boys are now only about two feet apart from me and Ella. Ella's face looks shocked, while mine i'm sure, just looks thoroughly puzzled. The boy in the middle seems to be studying me. His face is comforted into one of focus. Like he recognizes me or something.

The four boys walk off and the one in the middle holds his eyes on me a little while after walking away.

"Well," Ella clears her throat. "That was weird." I giggle and nod. The bell sounds off and Ella guides me to my first period class.


"Welcome to English class, I'm Mr. Huffman. Call me Mr. H though." The teacher greets me as I walk into the class room and He's making his way out. I nod and smile. The classroom was pleasantly full. To the far left there was a chair open along with four chairs behind it. I took the one in front of the four chairs.

Pulling out a pencil and paper, I crane my neck up to the sound of shuffling enter the classroom. What I see nearly knocks the wind right out of me. The four boys from earlier shuffled into the class room and claim the four seats set behind me. Gosh am I glad that I didn't take one of those seats. A girl with curled blonde hair takes a seat next to me.

"Hi!" She says while reaching to shake my hand. I shake her hand while giving her a smile.

"I assume you're the new girl?"

"Yeah, word gets around fast here." I chuckle. She nods animatedly. I take this as a chance to ask about the four mystery hot guys sitting behind me. I lean farther into her.

"Hey," I pause, "Who are those boys sitting behind us?" She turns to look at who I'm talking about and then looks back at me with a I-Knew-You'd-Ask smile.

"Oh them" She taps her pencil on the desk. "The dude on the farthest left, that's Jayden Rome." I nod my head to ensure her to keep going.

"The guy sitting next to him is Justin Mathews. Then there's Connor Burns sitting on the far right."

"Okay," I nod slowly, "Who's that in the middle?"

She smiles as if she expected me to say that, "That, my dearest classmate, is Ashton Rivers." I freeze and I swear my brain actually goes numb.

"Ash-...Ashton Rivers?" I repeat.

"Yep." She says. The same boy who absolutely tormented me all through elementary and middle school. Even his name makes me rifle in disgust. I look back at them- Him. My heart thumps against his chest when I notice he's looking back at me too. Luckily Mr. H walks in and starts class. But I couldn't help but feel eyes on me all through class.

 But I couldn't help but feel eyes on me all through class

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Oh boy... So what do you guys think?

I hope you guys enjoyed reading this chapter.


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