Do, or do not. There is no try. - yoda

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A famous quote from Yoda. My coach can't go a week with out bring it up. He says if you completed your goal and pushed your hardest you tried if not you just sat there. I get this speech from him ever time I don't PR, (personal record) at a race. I know it like the back of my hand and it's true. I've been running all freshmen year and throughout all fifth grade and I don't plan on stopping till I'm 18. I love running, it test how strong I am mentally and physically. You don't know how strong you are till you test it, till you push the barrier back, and give it all you got. You don't know how strong you are till you stop trying and start doing. Live by Yoda' s code "do, or do. not there is no try",(Yoda).

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